Pickle-Ice Pops – IOTW Report

Pickle-Ice Pops

Have you tried them?

15 Comments on Pickle-Ice Pops

  1. The vinegar cuts the dust and thirst, the cold is refreshing.
    Sure, I’d try them. Can’t be any more odd than other foods I’ve eaten in foreign lands. (Germans think American peanut butter is strange).

  2. I probably wouldn’t eat a dill pickle popsickle but I have had dill pickle flavored peanuts which actually were pretty good. And don’t do like my brother who ate a whole quart jar of dill pickles by himself on a picnic at Westport on the Wash. coast. Believe me, it was later a major league barfarama on the way home in the back seat of my Uncles brand new Buick, my Aunt was not amused. I don’t think he’s had a dill pickle since then.


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