Pierce – IOTW Report



38 Comments on Pierce

  1. It’s intriguing to me that the youth of today find it cool to look back through their grandparent’s copies of National Geographic and copy what they see.

  2. I saw him last year. The brain tunnel is new. I think his brother works at Starbucks in the Village.
    He’s looking for a job. Think Bad Brad would hire him?

  3. My Mom told all the grandkids that if they get tattoos or piercings she will still love them but will take them out of her will. Funny how money talks – no tattoos or piercings in the whole lot.

  4. He could never use an MRI and the TSA must take an extra hour to explore all the hardware (please note we only see his face here, so just imagine the rest of his body). Yuck!

    He thinks its art and him being expressive; I think he is insane. I don’t hear any voices in my head to pierce my body, so I’m probably right.

  5. Back when I was a bit rowdier, the first thing I did was pull out any piercings. You would be amazed at how much they bleed from a ripped earlobe.

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