Piers Morgan: Canada’s Leader of the Unofficial Opposition – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan: Canada’s Leader of the Unofficial Opposition

CFP: As the entire English-speaking world knows by now, Canada’s prime minister recently made a fool of himself by correcting a woman’s grammar. At one of his town hall meetings, designed to bolster Trudeau’s sagging popularity, a woman asked him a long convoluted question. When the woman said the word “mankind,” Trudeau rudely interrupted her and said we don’t say “mankind,” we say “peoplekind.” At least the PM said “we” instead of “Canadians.” Who the “we” is will undoubtedly remain one of life’s mysteries.

The news of Trudeau’s silly political correctness went around the word with a great deal of coverage in the U.S. and the U.K. It was all critical of our beloved Sock Boy although some in the left wing media pointed out it was only those who are “right wing” who were critical of Trudeau.

One of the strongest criticisms of the childish Trudeau came from Piers Morgan Writing in the Daily Mail, the title really sums up Justin Trudeau. It refers to the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada as a “spineless virtue-signalling excuse for a feminist. Morgan further described Trudeau as the winner of the title “Chief PC Plonker.” The columnist also wrote, “Trudeau comes over as the worst kind of hectoring, bully pulpit smart #, dripping with virtuous self-aggrandizing sanctimony.”

We are unsure if the prime minister actually read Morgan’s piece. Even if he did, Morgan uses a lot of big words such as “hectoring and “etymology” so even if he did, it is unlikely he would have understood it. But Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s old drinking buddy and current principal secretary did.

On Thursday, Butts tweeted essentially that anyone who did not like Trudeau’s “joke” about peoplekind is a Nazi.   read more

4 Comments on Piers Morgan: Canada’s Leader of the Unofficial Opposition

  1. To think that I would agree with Piers on anything! Will miracles never cease! I love a good punny witticism, and Piers has that gift in spades (can I say that?), and it was pointed in the right direction.

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