Piers Morgan gets his ass kicked – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan gets his ass kicked

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34 Comments on Piers Morgan gets his ass kicked

  1. Hilarious that these nitwits try to project their beliefs on to the founders, when it is a simple matter to read the founders’ own contemporary writings and ascertain exactly what their intentions were.

    But that, of course, would defeat the narrative…

  2. Suit and tie Carol? Hmmm….Well at least she has the 2nd amendment right.
    A friend of mine referred Piers Morgan as “That English fucker”, I thought it was apt.

  3. The Bolshies recycle everything, including this. He’s probably done the militia = National Guard misinterpretation, and the regulated = by government misinterpretation.

    He’ll do it again in a few months.

    Communists have no conscience, hence no shame.

  4. The Second Amendment was never about “muskets.”

    Choke down this fact: Thomas Jefferson owned an Austrian repeater with a 20-round magazine built a year before the Second Amendment was ratified. He sent it west with Lewis & Clark, setting westward expansion into motion, and has dramatically influenced world history as a result. It can fairly be said that the single most important firearm in world history was an assault rifle manufactured before the Bill Of Rights was recognized.

    The Second Amendment isn’t about hunting. It was written by rebels who wanted to ensure that future citizens would be suitably armed with the most technologically-advanced weapons they could afford to resist tyrannical government.

    The Founding Fathers were very clear. They wanted the American citizenry to be better armed than government, so that on those days government attempts to seize the people’s liberty to increase their own power, the people could fight back, and triumph.

    The Founding Fathers explicitly viewed multi-barrel weapons, fast-firing rifles, handguns, cannon, howitzers, mortars, rockets, hand grenades, early machine guns, submarines, torpedoes, and privately-owned warships capable of flattening coastal cities as arms suitable for ownership by American citizens. We know this because each and every single one of these weapon systems was in use and owned by private citizens at the time of the revolution.


  5. “privately-owned warships capable of flattening coastal cities as arms suitable for ownership by American citizens”

    That’s what I’m missing. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Jefferson owned the Girandoni Air Rifle I linked above. 20 round magazine, .46 caliber lead ball deadly to 125 yards 30 times without recharging. And it was quiet and smokeless which meant you could shoot continually and remain undetected. Piers is an ignorant asswipe!

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