Piers Morgan: Sorry, Meryl but that hypocritical anti-Trump rant was easily the worst performance of your career (apart from that time you gave a child rapist a standing ovation) – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan: Sorry, Meryl but that hypocritical anti-Trump rant was easily the worst performance of your career (apart from that time you gave a child rapist a standing ovation)

DailyMail UK:

Oh, Meryl.

Not you, too?

Just when I thought we’d exhausted the reservoir of Trump-hating luvvies, up pops the biggest star in Hollywood to join the bandwagon and stick one more stiletto-heeled boot into the President-elect ten days before his inauguration.

Let me make one thing clear before I continue: I love Meryl Streep.

She’s the greatest actress in history (and not, as Trump disingenuously tweeted today, ‘one of the most overrated in Hollywood’!). She’s also, and I speak from personal experience, a delightful woman – incredibly smart, warm, funny and decent.

In fact, there’s no better role model for any budding actor, or finer example of true feminist power at its very best.

So when she speaks, the world listens.

Last night, Streep received a Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden Globes, and chose the moment to launch a very personal attack on Donald Trump.

She began by saying that Hollywood, foreigners and the press are ‘the most vilified segments of American society right now’.

At which point the cameras panned out to hundreds of the richest, most privileged people in American society sitting in the audience in their $10,000 tuxedos and $20,000 dresses, loudly cheering this acknowledgement of their dreadful victimhood.

She then said that if all the ‘outsiders and foreigners’ were kicked out of Hollywood, ‘you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.’


I haven’t heard such elitist snobbery since Hillary Clinton branded Trump supporters ‘a basket of deplorables’.

Read more

h/t Ron

25 Comments on Piers Morgan: Sorry, Meryl but that hypocritical anti-Trump rant was easily the worst performance of your career (apart from that time you gave a child rapist a standing ovation)

  1. Like I said before, the Greek word for actor is ὑποκριτής (hupokrités) — and Meryl Streep does not disappoint. She disparages the highest elected position in the nation, literally the most powerful man in the world, a man who has employed thousands and thousands of people but praises a child molester, a rapist, an abuser of the lowest sort.

    Bravo Meryl, bravo/

  2. Meryl Streep, worthless piece of shit. Going to be interesting when the big one hits California, wipes out net worth of all those useless Hollywood idiots, and then the Hollywood scum will be reduced to putting on their knee pads and begging Trump for a hand out. Hope Trump treats Hollywood the same way Hollywood treats Trump.

  3. i grew up near malibu

    i always enjoyed the delicious irony of the big stars trying to exclude us commoners from their beach until the flooding from a wild winter would “soften” their hearts and allow for volunteers to help pile sandbags to keep their multi-million dollar homes protected from mother nature

    f ’em, they’re just actors, not fucking rocket scientists

    no value added

  4. Greatest actress in history?! I agree with Trump – she is overrated, she has far more garbage under her name than anything meaningful. These Hollywood awards are joke in and of themselves. And their adoration of a president that has destroyed life for flyover country which might even watch more of their garbage in the theaters if they weren’t completely broke paying for their high deductible mandatory health care is laughable. I hope they keep it up. Let people see how out of touch and ridiculous they really are.

  5. Alienating 51% of the USA (excluding illegals) who just voted for Trump.

    Offending and insulting your customers.


    The entire movie/tv/ industry depends on complicated Federal tax breaks.
    Plus Federal agency grants. Lots of grants.
    Plus free cooperation and support from various agencies at all level, and all Federally funded.

    So, attack and insult and threaten the new POTUS.
    Who actually knows and understands the entertainment industry.


    Within one year, all these Lefty chameleon hypocrites will be kissing up and begging Trump to allow them to be seen with him.


  6. The broad is a collection of mannerisms that she brings to all her movies. Hollywood coronated her years ago because she was such a self-important snob. I’ve liked some of her movies despite her, but always groan at the sight of her name on anything. (When will she stick out the tip of her tongue while making a physical effort? Where is the dead-serious open-mouth wide-eyed look-up from the lowered head? Etc. etc.)

    I just hope Trump ignores these asshats and doesn’t try to win them over. Unlike his predecessor, he has much more important things to focus on.

  7. Shut up, bitch Streep. You have ONE job, ONE fuckin’ job, and that is to entertain. We don’t pay to hear you pontificate about things you know nothing about.
    Your job is to hit your mark, speak your memorized line, and exit stage right. In short, shut up and sing. Other then that, STFU and STFD.

  8. Yeah, she’s good, but definitely overrated, pikes of worthless awards or no. There are exactly zero people in the acting business who live up to their hype though, it’s not just Ms Sheeple. The last thing she was really good in was the Miranda Priestly role, and it didn’t seem like terribly much of a stretch of the acting chops. Acting is overrated.

  9. I forget the name of the movie but it was a comedy with Matt damon as a siamese twin. Mery Streep had a cameo in it. But watch the extra parts on DVD – at one point Streep lowers her head and the bullfrog-like throat sagging made me spit my beer out. Jabba The Hutt had less sagging throat-skin. a LOT less.

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