Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters blasts Joe Biden as a ‘f***ing slime ball’ who can’t beat Trump – IOTW Report

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters blasts Joe Biden as a ‘f***ing slime ball’ who can’t beat Trump

The oft-outspoken rocker swung for the left this time.

Lifezette: Roger Waters of the rock band Pink Floyd just torched the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, describing him as a “f***ing slime ball” and adding that he “can’t imagine Biden beating Trump in an election”

Waters told Rolling Stone that he is “on the fence” about the Democratic Party encouraging people to rally behind Biden, saying that he is “so flabbergasted and gobsmacked by the way the Democratic National Committee has railroaded Bernie [Sanders]… again.” more

19 Comments on Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters blasts Joe Biden as a ‘f***ing slime ball’ who can’t beat Trump

  1. I enjoy Pink Floyd music … but really?
    I don’t give a rat’s ass what this limey fucker opines about any-FUKKIN-thing.

    Shut the fuck up, dude.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Roger,
    You had an Atom Heart Mother whose ideas were Obscured by Clouds. Even though she’d Wish You Were Here she would Meddle in you life. Like the Animals in the park she had a Momentary Lapse of Reason and confused the Relics with the real thing and smashed your face into The Wall. There were Echoes on the Dark Side of the Moon, which had you confused. When the Piper at the Gates of Dawn said, closely in your ear Ummagumma you took The Final Cut. You had A Saucerful of Secrets but you tipped them over when startled by the Delicate Sound of Thunder.

    So – fuck off, dude.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Does it make any difference if Trump gets beaten or not?

    I mean, any real difference?

    It seems to me we have been heading down the same road we were heading down under Obama, the only “difference” being that we are going down it at a much higher speed now than we were then.

  4. …from the article…

    “I’m not sure the path to a new America that is not ruled by the current ruling class — by money, plutocracy, and a capitalist society — will be made any easier with Biden as president.”
    -Roger “Not An American Voter” Waters

    “Colors just fantastic that is really what I think,

    Oh by the way,

    Which one’s pink(o)?”
    -“Have A Cigar”, by the Limey sticking his nose into other people’s business, except for the (o), that’s mine.

    …and the answer to that question remains, as it was, “ALL of them!”.

    …I grew up on Pink Floyd too, even went to the midnight movies that showcased experimental animation with Pink Floyd “z” sides (like “Have A Cigar”) playing under it, also did the “Dark Side of the Rainbow” thing where you synch up a videotape of “The Wizard of Oz” to “The Dark Side of the Moon” and it WORKS, even FITS many scenes, so yeah, I was a fanboy.

    Of the music, NOT the politics.

    Nothing about making moody loner music qualifies you to tell other people how to live. The book was TERRIBLE, but the concept in Laura Ingraham’s book “Shut Up and Sing” remains valid.

    Do just THAT.


    You’ve got PLENTY of political messages in your MUSIC, the thing you do WELL. Don’t ruin it by flapping your 76 year old yap without benefit of a beat from another continent when you’re a subject of someone else’s Crown.

    …maybe you could day trip to London and take a stroll through Tower Hamlets, Newham, and Waltham Forest and see if you can find something dystopic to sing about THERE.

    IF they let you live.

    …don’t bother telling them who you ARE, though. Muslims don’t LIKE singing…

    …but sure, worry about if Joe Biden can finish wrecking America or not. THAT’LL help your record sales in your declining years, if the civilization that made YOU rich declines along WITH you…

  5. We’re still heading for the big train crash, and no one in Washington is even touching the brake pedal or thinking of down shifting.

  6. Finally, the voice of authority. I always look to drug-addled, anti-semitic burnt-out rockers to tell me how to think. Go get comfortably numb, Roger.

  7. Now this COULD be dangerous!!! 🤔

    Waters is historically WRONG on everything – Communists are our friends, Reagan’s gonna bomb the world, the Chinese didn’t cause Tienanmen Square-Captialism did, etc. 🙄

    If he HATES Biden, and can’t stand him… that makes me MORE worried NOW, about his chances to win!!! 😳 😳 😳

  8. Roger lost the lawsuit and arguably David and Rick contributed to the best aspects of Pink Floyd- so I really would love it if the press stopped associating the old anti semite with his previous band. The loser legally has no right to it and has had no right to it since the mid 1980s.


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