Pinkerton: Carter 2.0 – Media Runs Interference for Joe Just Like They Did for Jimmy by Claiming He’s the Best We Can Hope for – IOTW Report

Pinkerton: Carter 2.0 – Media Runs Interference for Joe Just Like They Did for Jimmy by Claiming He’s the Best We Can Hope for


A Desperation Defense

Now that Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen—it’s hovering in the low 40s, and it can’t get up—the Main Stream Media have come up with a new line of defense for their man. Okay, goes this new line, Biden isn’t doing so well, but that’s to be expected—because no president can do well.  That is, the problems are just too tough, the job is just too hard, the country is just too polarized, yada yada yada.

As we shall see, history suggests that the American people won’t buy an  argument based on hopelessness, which we can call the desperation defense.  After all, Americans tend to be optimistic and solution-oriented.  And so if an elected official can’t solve the problem, throw him out and give someone else a chance.  That’s the American Way.  

Yet the MSM, which certainly sees itself as higher and better than the American public and its bourgeois ways, is all in with its last-ditch apologia for the 46th president. For instance, there was this April 17 headline from CNN: “Biden confronts a host of problems he can’t do much to solve.”  As the article sought to “journosplain” to us, “There’s not much he can do to curb inflation.  There’s not much he can do to stop migrants from reaching America’s southern border. Or to reduce crime.” In fact, there is much that a president can do.  And past presidents have done it.  For instance, the 40th president, Ronald Reagan, dramatically cut inflation.  And the 45th president, Donald Trump, significantly reduced immigration.  

The CNN story even said of Biden, “There’s not much he can do to compel cooperation from defectors within his thin Democratic congressional majorities.”  We might recall that Biden spent 36 years in the U.S. Senate, and another eight years, as vice president, as president of the Senate.  Indeed, a key part of his argument for election in 2020 was that he was an insider who knew how to get things done in D.C.  So now, to say that Biden can’t work with a Democratic Congress is to undercut the rationale for his presidency.  (As noted, Biden’s supporters are desperate.) more

9 Comments on Pinkerton: Carter 2.0 – Media Runs Interference for Joe Just Like They Did for Jimmy by Claiming He’s the Best We Can Hope for

  1. The best we can hope for???
    Ummmm, what about that previous guy who gave us a productive, safe, secure and prosperous nation?

    The Media in this county IS the enemy!

  2. Mel Brooks hasn’t left the planet yet. Maybe he can have one last fling with a re-do of The Producers and Springtime for Biden: A Gay Romp with a demented Jackass and his son.


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