Pinkerton: How Warriors Keep Their Honor Clean Even in Defeat – IOTW Report

Pinkerton: How Warriors Keep Their Honor Clean Even in Defeat


All Gave Some, Some Gave All

One of the most famous epitaphs in history was inscribed near a battlefield in Greece, some 2,500 years ago:

Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

These simple yet elegiac lines were written by the poet Simonides of Ceos to commemorate the heroic but doomed defense of Thermopylae in 480 B.C., as the badly outnumbered Spartans fought bravely and yet were eventually overwhelmed by the Persians.  These poetic words were subsequently noted and recorded by Herodotus, remembered as the “father of history.”   

It’s from the Battle of Thermopylae that we get, for example, the iconic words of defiance, molṑn labé (come and take them), which have been repeated many times since across the annals of military history, including at the Battle of Gonzalez in 1835, when Texian civilians, newly mobilized for battle, defeated the Mexican army.

Indeed, Thermopylae is one of the most famous events in the history of war, commemorated endlessly in the culture, including in the rousing 2006 Hollywood movie, 300.

For those who wish to be remembered in glory, courage in battle is a proven method. Indeed, Clio, the muse of history, often shows her favor to those who fight honorably, even if they don’t win or even survive.  That’s why we Americans remember, for instance, in our own history, the valiant defenders of the Alamo in 1836, the last stand of General Custer in 1876, the doomed aviators of Torpedo Squadron 8 at Midway in 1942, and the embattled troops at Chosin Reservoir in 1950.   read more

h/t Brad.

11 Comments on Pinkerton: How Warriors Keep Their Honor Clean Even in Defeat

  1. Yes, and Dementia Joe of Wilmington is playing the role of Ephialtes of Trachis, who betrayed the Spartans by showing the Persians the mountain pass that allowed them to finally defeat Leonidas and his heroic warriors.

  2. It’s hard to speak of honor when we look at the higher echelon of our military as it stands today. Part and parcel of honor is personal responsibility, owning your mistakes, contrition, making amends to those fellow soldiers you have wronged. By this yardstick they lack all semblance of honor.

    The people of this great country deserve better.

  3. “Our warriors expected to be told the truth. They got lies.” Not only did our warriors get lies but so did us in the homeland! The entire country should be outraged, and the lampposts in DC should be occupied by the dead bodies of TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  4. Through the last couple years I’ve met way more than my fair share of X Mil. Plane old Grunts, Mountain Trained,a couple Rangers, and 2 Marsoc guys. Actually it’s been about ten years. And my thoughts are Military leadership is not worth the sweat of the weakest privates balls. All honorable men. I can’t say a God Damn thing the just took place in Afghanistan was honorable. Fucking Austin and Milley need to be held accountable in a court of military service men. The sad part is the wounded and the maimed. This will cost some of their lives.

  5. Honor is a concept totally lost on progs. Fact is they live in a parallel Universe wherein what has been recognized by the Christian West for millennia as virtuous is turned on its head when not cooped and bastardized in service the Dark Prince they worship.

    Wherever and whenever the progressive movement is able to consolidate gains and achieve critical mass and implement their agenda innocent human suffering, misery and death inevitably results and if not checked there is an exponential increase in innocent human suffering, misery and death before they are done.

    This simply must be by design and not an unintended consequence of putting their theories into practice.

    So where I am going with this is that progressivism is totally unsuited for men of honor. I have posted that the best any Constitutional conservatives have to offer those who oppress others is pity. Wherein the progressive envies and wishes to displace the oppressor either individually or as part of the replacement oppressor class. This is so obviously the dynamic in play that it is baffling to me how any rational being could concede good intentions to those who subscribe to that demonstrably wicked and evil worldview.

    I am not going out on a limb at all when I state categorically that to concede good intentions to them at this point in history is complicity. One can only claim to remain unaware of what progressivism yields each and every time it has been put into practice by remaining willfully ignorant and once that threshold is crossed it not only does not exonerate the complicit, it is evidence of wickedness and evil intent.

  6. Total disgraceful action from Biden, Blinken, Austin and Milley. No honor was earned or deserved.
    Disgusting and inept display of strategy, logistics and leadership from politically appointed perfumed Princes (General in the Joint Chiefs and those who serve them, pentagon, State Dept. & DOD). Saving their jobs by lying to the American people, the military and allies. Slinking away, leaving equipment, arms, munitions, confidential and restricted military hardware, transporting Afghans before even attempting to bring Americans to the Airport and today they remain abandoned in Afghanistan.

    The only honor truly earned were those whose boots were on the ground facing Peril, many dead, wounded, at the expense of an inept leadership from the top Down. Biden, Milley, Austin, Blinken and Joint Chiefs served dishonorably, putting Politics above the safety of the men and women serving, allies, Afghans and the now abandoned Americans.

    Being a Vietvet I’ve lived through the betrayal of the US Government, Iraq & Afghan Vets, you too have faced the same betrayal, I know your pain, frustration and Anger. Hang in there Brothers and Sisters, over time the sting of betrayal becomes bearable, but never goes away.

  7. Well, we’ve all agreed on the missing ingredient. Honor. Strong men have it, our military leaders and politicians don’t. This embarrassment will go down in history as one large chicken shit betrayal. And lets all hope the principles are properly portraid.

  8. In fact, they weren’t “overwhelmed” by the Persians – they were betrayed.
    A traitor showed the Persians a path to the Spartans’ rear.

    Just as we are being betrayed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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