Pipe-Bomb-ageddon: The Media climbs out on a limb – IOTW Report

Pipe-Bomb-ageddon: The Media climbs out on a limb

Patriot Retort: Well, hello everyone. The Lupus flare is still with me, but seems a tad less flarey this morning. You can imagine how frustrating it was for me yesterday to not be able to write a thing about Pipe-Bomb-ageddon.

I woke up at three and almost came downstairs to my office to write something, but decided I needed the sleep more.

So here I am – flared up and ready to go.

I have to admit that yesterday was one of those days that makes me eternally grateful I don’t have cable TV.

Just perusing the blue-checkmark “journalists” Twitter comments about Pipe-Bomb-ageddon was bad enough.

In the interests of full disclosure, I should admit that my spider senses are tingling so hard over Pipe-Bomb-ageddon that I feel like I’m lying under a pile of personal massagers.

Now, I’m not big on conspiracy theories. Most of them are so far afield, I just roll my eyes over them.

But something about Pipe-Bomb-ageddon just stinks to high heaven.

Timing, for example.

Thirteen days before a contentious election and suddenly a bunch of pipe bombs turn up and the targets are all Democrats?

Come on. I wasn’t born yesterday. And I didn’t just fall off a turnip truck from Guatemala.

The “Democrats are the party of the Mob” talking point is clearly having a negative effect on their much anticipated Blue Wave. And what better way to shift that talking point away from the Democrats than the conveniently-timed Pipe-Bomb-ageddon?

Plus, it just doesn’t make sense.

Why would a Trump supporter try and blow up Maxine Waters? She is a gift to our side.

Come to think of it, so are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

And CNN? Hell, it’s already imploding. Why would anyone on our side want to give those idiots yet another opportunity to play the victim? more here

10 Comments on Pipe-Bomb-ageddon: The Media climbs out on a limb

  1. Yesterday I had this sudden image of David Hogg and those punk-activists as being the ones behind it, or someone connected to them from their school.

    I’m just getting home and catching up on news of the day, but radio news spots still has the media calling this “suspicious bombs/packages” which tells me they know they were harmless devices but want to keep the air of suspense and impending danger alive for their narrative of Hysteria.

  2. About the only things I seen or heard that I regard as probably factual are the few photographs of the so-called bombs that have been published. Yes, photos can be ‘shopped, but that’s hard to do without leaving tell-tale evidence of any fakery.

    And (I’m repeating myself) it is those photos that to me are the single most persuasive argument that this whole pipe bomb thing is bogus. The postal people, the secret service, the FBI, the ATF…none of them would permit actual explosive devices to be photographed and shown by newsies. Period.

    I can speculate on the cui bono question/answer, but Occam is whispering to me that it is likely a false flag ruse intended to disrupt everything leading up to the mid-term elections. I could be wrong, naturally. Time, I hope, will tell.

    @Dianny – I sure hope you get back on your digital feet soonest, and intellectually kick some richly deserving ass like always.

  3. It’s gonna really suck when some man bun havin’ shithead liberal is found to be behind it.
    But as per Uncle Al, I would not put it past the swamp to try something like this.

  4. The FBI, for what its worth, says it has accumulated a lot of evidence. Lets see where the facts lead, that is if we can wring the facts out of the ‘Effin BI.

    None of the “bombs” exploded, possibly on purpose meant not to explode.

  5. Exactly Tim, these “devices” were made to be purposely discovered. No serious bomber would use a bubble wrap mailer to send a device in, let alone not using enough postage for their package. The looks more and more like the work of somebody with a grade school intelligence at best.

    Plus still waiting for the video from the Soros residence of who placed the package in his mailbox. There is no way in the world he does not have video security cameras watching every inch of his property. That picture of the suspect or his vehicle should be on the front page of every newspaper with the headline “Do you know who this is?”

    Also convenient that the caravan is now a back burner issue.

  6. Those who are behind this are well connected. They will never be punished.
    Exhibit #1. GWB’s conservative hater Lois Lerner.
    As I said 5 years ago when Trey UNIPARTHY Gowdy said she would go to jail, BS. She was put in her position in ’06 by the leftist President whose name is —-~

    THE UNIPARTY is behind this “False Flag” and none of their folk ever go to jail.
    Exhibit #2. Sandy Burger

    Sometimes UNIPARTY folk get “Pattoned” and have fatal “accidents”.

  7. @gin blossom October 26, 2018 at 7:00 am

    > I’m pretty sure of at the moment is that the bombs are having the opposite effect intended.

    Maybe we disagree on the intent. But “front page” News™ of how Fake™ the “bombing wave” was, is just as distracting as “front page” News™ of the fake “bombing wave”. “Heads we win, tails you lose.” is always a good plan.

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