Pirro: Gowdy’s Statement on Trump Spy Claims ‘Ridiculous’ – IOTW Report

Pirro: Gowdy’s Statement on Trump Spy Claims ‘Ridiculous’

Breitbart Vid: On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Judge Jeanine Pirro criticized Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) for his “ridiculous” statement regarding confidential informants and the Trump campaign.

Pirro said, “I am fired up. I am angry, but I’m even more confused, confused as to why Congressman Trey Gowdy of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, one of the few people in Washington who has the intelligence, the expertise, and the ability to see through the nonsense, if not illegality going on at the FBI and the Department of Justice, Trey Gowdy, would say this about a spy placed in the Trump campaign.”  WATCH

15 Comments on Pirro: Gowdy’s Statement on Trump Spy Claims ‘Ridiculous’

  1. If you had handed me a transcript of Gowdy’s comments with his name redacted, and asked me to identify the speaker, I’d have said it was Schiff with absolute certainty. I guess this was Gowdy’s last bridge to burn before he roared off into the sunset in his Lamborghini.

  2. Anonymous, don’t let him off the hook so easily. Anyway, why would Clinton want to kill his family? He exonerated her for Benghazi and made her the Winner of the Congessional hearing, with bonus stamina points.

    And I guess Clinton’s thugs haven’t gotten to Nunes yet. Should we also expect him to turn coat and tail shortly?

  3. Someone got to him, or he was got-to all along and just playing a part.

    Speaking of crime families…anyone remember a guy on radio back in the ’90s named Chuck Harter and For The People? Lots of local AM stations carried him nationwide. Did a lot of the early expose stuff on the Arkansas mob, Mena and the Clinton body count, Bill’s rapes, and pushed Perot heavily. Also had that Clinton enemy Larry whatsisname on very often. Then somewhere around 2000 he pretty much dropped off the air.

    About 15 years ago I found out he was only on shortwave, and told the story of how he slipped at poolside and hyperextended both knees, pretty much crippling him. My dad still believes that story. I believe Bubba and Clem were sent to break his knees over all the grief he caused the Clintons back in the day. He dealt with stuff Rush wouldn’t touch and Hannity wasn’t a thing yet. Harter was indeed responsible, at least partly so, for a lot of what we know about the various slime trails leading out of Arkansas.

    Interestingly, last time I looked (a few years back) I could find almost no mention of him on the net no matter how hard I looked. Then I gave up. Almost like he’d bee de-personed/scrubbed.

  4. Some things don’t change……….. Of what value?

    Of what value are paper constitutions and oaths binding officers to their preservation, if there is not intelligence enough in the people to discern the violations and virtue enough to resist the violators. –Jefferson Davis

  5. @grool – Chuck Harder was apparently killed by IRS audit.

    Silenced! 18-year audit halts radio talker
    ‘They want to destroy Chuck Harder – and they’re doing a pretty good job’
    Published: 10/12/2010 at 8:08 PM

    ” …As WND reported, the original IRS audit notice alleged Harder had attempted to influence the 1992 election against George H. W. Bush. If provable, it would be grounds for removing its tax exempt status. Eventually the IRS centered on such allegations as “electioneering,” “personal inurement” (milking the organization for personal gain) and failure to pay income tax on sales of the products.

    Harder, however, dismisses the notion that it was remarks about Bush that prompted the audit. He sees it clearly as coming from the Clinton White House. …”

    http://www.wnd.com/2010/10/214357/ .

    ” .. Harder returned to webcasting in March 2015 with his “Pulse Beam Radio Corporation” and teamed up with Keith Alan to revive his For the People talk show on-line as a podcast, hawking survival-based guide books[2]. Harder’s health collapsed shortly thereafter and by late August 2016, after major heart surgery, Chuck Harder had been confined to a nursing home in Gainesville, Florida, ending his long career in right-wing extremist media activity. It was reported, he passed away in late April 2018. ”

    https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Chuck_Harder .

  6. Gowdy has to be compromised. Since what he did that he wants to take to the grave with him is unknown, one can fill in the blanks and maybe not nail the exact transgression but you will more likely than not be in the right magnitude.

  7. In deed Trey has been a leftist progressive for 8 years. In word a conservative. but his liberal actions have loudly belied his conservative words.

    eg. those UNIPARTY guys at IRS who illegally went after conservatives belong in jail ’13. 5.5 years later not only has not a 1 gone to jail BUT NOT A 1 HAS EVEN BEEN TRIED! Trey lied!


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