I’ve had it with the media’s sanctimonious crap about Trump “encouraging violence”.

The MSM has encouraged violence against Trump & his supporters for most of the last 2 years.


[He has tons more of the memes on his twitter feed.]


  1. What gets me is the riots the Fake News outlets have caused and the LEO deaths they have caused and they have the temerity to freak out over a joke? WWF is a joke. It’s entertainment for sum and a pay check for others and in the final analysis no one is hurt at the end of the day.

    People are dead because of the fake “hands up don’t shoot” “news reporting”. A Bernie voter tried to murder 9+ GOP members playing baseball. CNN and the lot should be begging for forgiveness and pledging to report only facts from this day forth. And as a show of faith firing everyone who worked on the “Trump/Russia” & anyone who was hired because they worked for a Democrat or is married to anyone who has worked for a Democrat. I would add that they should fire anyone who has worked for a Republican but does CNN have anyone who has worked for a Republican now?

    As it stands I find the honesty and integrity of the professional wrestling more refreshing than CNN and other Fake News outlets. Which is to say I don’t watch either but if forced to choose I’d rather listen to “The Crusher”, “Mad Dog Vachon” or “Barron Von Raschkie” aka “the Claw” expound on the days events (just to show you how dated I am) than anything CNN has to offer. Except for Jesse “the bod” Ventura- that guy is more cracked than Van “9/11 was an inside job” Jones. That is all the people need to know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rChmR3yJWn0

  2. I have an idea on how to target CNN.Get the list of advertisers.
    Somebody select Just one, (Pick target) Make it known. Everyone create something to that effect that “they could be next” then boycott the Product so that it affects them $$$ Others just might notice.
    Feel free to jump in here.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6L5x-OQK3M

    If I had the skills I’d put CNN’s logo on the blond and then sponsor X on the guy with the mustache and uncle Sam Sam. Overdube the diolog of “The russians & the Election” and the Duke saying to unlce Sam “you had better leave the room and take the dog with you”. Then overdube dialog “Russians/election” then the Duke saying “why don’t you go to hell” and then the fight.

    I just wish I had the time to develop the skills.

  4. last two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8gPh3vjs6U

    Trump as the sheriff and the guy who threw the sliver dollar as CNN the rest CNN advertisers.


    Trump as the sheriff, Lu Grant as CNN and the guy in the rafter CNN hack (take your pick there are so many of them) behind the piano CNN producer and the rest of the thugs as ABC, CBS, MSNBC

    If I had the skills I would have a blast.

    I have to get back to work.

  5. Professional wrestling isn’t fake; it’s choreographed and rehearsed. You need to be in top physical condition to jump off the turnbuckle onto somebody’s throat in a believable way without actually killing him.

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