Plain Jane request: Vinny Vegas’s NRO Letter Mr. Pinko read on the Andrea Shea King Show – IOTW Report

Plain Jane request: Vinny Vegas’s NRO Letter Mr. Pinko read on the Andrea Shea King Show

In case you missed it –
Mr. Pinko on the Andrea Shea King show replay.
The letter that was read on the show (printed by request)

National Review means well, but they mean well in the same way a retarded cousin means well. Their latest grandstand play, “Against Trump” misreads the political landscape.

Most conservatives don’t have a problem with conservative philosophy and genuinely believe in it. Conservatives by nature tend to be more process oriented (develop good, fair processes and you will get good, fair, & predictable results). Liberals by nature tend to be more goal oriented (develop at a good goal and no matter how you achieve it, you will end up getting good results).

This is not a knock on either approach, nor am I saying each side doesn’t have some of both of these elements, but I am just stating it as a general principle.

Conservatives are finally frustrated with the process, especially as they see a steady stream of tremendous liberal victories which they instinctively know we will all have to live with for anywhere from 25 to 50 years or more.
There’s the realization that the liberals have triumphed on major policy and cultural fronts. Obama is indeed the trans-formative president he promised he would be.

The process has failed conservatives. There’s a perception that sticking to the rules doesn’t get us positive results, especially when the other side is bending the rules and using every trick in the book to run circles around our elected leaders and their media advocates (outfits like NR).
They win, we lose, and our side has a dozen excuses but they can’t break free of their process oriented mentality.
So they keep losing and still promise their voters they will accomplish great things, but still keep losing when it comes to the process.

The GOP candidates and their friendly media outlets demonstrate that they are remarkably obtuse when it comes to understanding this shift.

So we get the usual variations on “Trump isn’t a principled conservative.” These would be a showstopper just a few years ago (when their voters were more process oriented), but in 2016, the voters are alienated and the people making this argument seem genuinely befuddled. “Why isn’t this working? Why aren’t they listening to us?”

The problem isn’t that the Republican voters aren’t conservative anymore. They simply don’t believe in the agents of conservatism they have entrusted with power.

They’re now finally rejecting them as weak and ineffective, and this is aggravated by their habit on becoming increasingly obnoxious and nasty to their own voters. This is true for their feelings towards conservative media outlets too, like NR.

Republican voters have moved away from being process oriented and are becoming goal oriented.
Appeals to sound, principled process are falling flat, since the voters have seen with their own eyes that liberals triumph without much regard to sound, sensible process, and that their Republican elected officials are so inept that they can’t mount a successful defense against the liberal lines of attack.
Conservatives didn’t stop believing in conservative philosophy. They have just stopped believing in their candidates and their media outlets. They’ve come to the completely rational conclusion that liberals are probably going to win in 2016 anyway, and if somehow a Republican did manage to win, odds are he or she would be so weak and ineffective that the liberals will probably continue to advance their agenda, anyway.
So now, we find that the only goal oriented GOP candidate is winning. It’s not a shock if you have been paying attention and have clarity.

I’ve called Trump the expected equal and opposite reaction to Obama. I’ve noted to both liberals and conservatives I know that he even swiped Obama’s 2008 campaign playbook (big media personality, well attended & enthusiastic rallies, a broad slogan that allows anyone to project whatever he wants to it and go home happy, new media savvy tactics, etc.), but my friends in both camps get nervous when I point this out and few commentators on TV (left or right) seem to be able to make this observation, either. Or is it that they can’t cope with it?

Republican voters have no faith in the Republican party. It doesn’t help the GOP’s cause that they didn’t show this level of nastiness and passion against Obama and the Democrats as they score their goals. It doesn’t help that when Dubya was president (with a GOP congress) they didn’t deliver much on anything their voters wanted and nothing that has endured.

And their voters told them what they wanted. Over and over. They have been patient and have played along. The GOP just didn’t listen. Process oriented. The process was too difficult, they just didn’t want to go through it. Talk a nice game, then back to business as usual.

Meanwhile when liberals have political power and set goals, they succeed.

The voters have noted this The Republicans have lost a lot of credibility. I see no reason to have any faith in any of them. They’re following the usual script and don’t seem to understand that the audience has seen this movie before and we don’t like the way it ends.

News Flash to GOP Inc: The voters aren’t rejecting conservative philosophy. They’re just rejecting you.
I’ve been a conservative since my teens, through college and law school, and into my professional life. I’ve been a Republican since 18 (1986). I’ve been a fan of NR for decades. And all that being said, I think we’ve completely lost the war but if you pick up an issue of NR (or a like minded journal), or speak with your Republican Congressman, they will be quick to tell you that we’re just one election away from turning this around. It won’t be easy, but once we win, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get it done. You’ll see. We’ll really deliver, this time. Stick to the plan. It got us this far, right?

It’s time to try something else. Sticking to the old game plan is complete nonsense and may be a form of
insanity. Like the smart lady said, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” As for me, with no other credible reasonable choice, I choose to say #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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9 Comments on Plain Jane request: Vinny Vegas’s NRO Letter Mr. Pinko read on the Andrea Shea King Show

  1. I used to be an audio engineer, I listened to the show and thought how BFH and Mr.Pinko sound the same. Of course the audio is crappy. It’s compressed and Mr. Pinko is on a phone. But one of these days I’ll have to analyze both
    voices using a spectrum analyzer.

  2. We are both New Yorkers. We all sound alike. 😉

    And if you think we’re the same person, BigFurHat called in at the end of the show … OR DID HE?! (insert dramatic music hit here)

  3. Excellent. Thank you Mr. Pinko and Mr. Vinny Vegas. You articulated this beautifully. Had I written it, some words would have to be bleeped out.

    p.s. My trained hearing aid detected the completely different and distinct voices of Mr. Pinko and Mr. Hat. One is sexy, the other sexier and I’m not saying which one is which. 🙂

  4. I do pray that Trump is an equal and opposite to Obama, but I fear he is more than equal, but just not opposite. Maybe a bit toward the center, but not opposite. And this is why handing power to a man who plans to act just like Obama when it comes to how he wields it, but is only middle of the road when it comes to what he does seems a very dangerous game to play. We need the balance of power restored and the Constitution put back in its rightful place.

    My bigger fear is simple. First the Democrats had their purge of any conservative Democrats back in the mid 20th century, This was followed by the co-opting of the GOP by the left-wing establishment that is more or less just Democrats in the Republicans party there to only ensure that the Democrat agenda continues moving forward no matter who wins elections. I worry that now you have the left working to co-opt the conservative movement by virtue of running a candidate intended to corrupt and disparage the movement by virtue of his actions once elected.

    I hope and pray I am wrong, but looking at how people are quickly jettisoning their long held views to line up behind what they believe is just an “F-You” candidate does not build confidence.

  5. In the beginning, I was with Cruz. I shortly realized that Cruz couldn’t win. At the same time I thought okay, Trump will be my F-You to the RINOs. As time went on, and I watched Trump and saw him discuss his positions and looked at his website, I realized that he certainly has the capability to deal with international trade, the visa overstays, the illegal problem, budgetary issues and other things. He’s my man because of that. Besides, he can negotiate with snakes.

    The RINOs, well, he will have to expose them totally.

    When I see McConnell’s lawyer’s PAC endorsing Cruz and denigrating Trump, I know I made the right choice.

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