Plan to let media form cartels to negotiate with Big Tech clears Senate committee – IOTW Report

Plan to let media form cartels to negotiate with Big Tech clears Senate committee


he Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday advanced a plan to let media outlets jointly negotiate with Big Tech companies, in spite of existing anti-trust laws.

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) would create a temporary, four-year window during which news outlets may work with one another to secure better deals with social media giants and other content platforms, according to the Epoch Times.

The measure would allow groups of media outlets to “collectively withhold content from, or negotiate with, an online content distributor regarding the terms on which the news content of the news content creator may be distributed by the online content distributor.”

The JCPA specifically bars outlet coalitions from excluding organizations based on size or political leaning. However, many Republicans fear the plan would benefit legacy media groups to the detriment of smaller and anti-establishment outlets. The JCPA does allow these hypothetical media unions to exclude groups over hate speech, misinformation, extremism or misinformation, among an array of other nebulous exceptions with the potential for broad interpretation. more

10 Comments on Plan to let media form cartels to negotiate with Big Tech clears Senate committee

  1. So, who’s our Josef Goebbels?

    With Garland as Himmler and Wray as Heydrich the cast is almost complete.

    (we could make comparisons with Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Beria, et al – or Wilson, House, Hoover, et al – apparently all tyrannies have similarities)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Legislation written by lobbyists for Big Greedy (Multiglobalist corps.).
    So what do legislators do?
    Accept graft and push their masters agenda. mostly.
    While telling us all the bad shit is our fault.

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