Planet Fitness – Lose Membership If You Do Not Want To Shower With A Man – IOTW Report

Planet Fitness – Lose Membership If You Do Not Want To Shower With A Man



MADISON, Wisc—Four Winds Christian Athletics — The State of Michigan Court of Appeals ruled against Yvette Cormier. She lost her membership after complaining about a transgender in a Planet Fitness locker room.

Planet Fitness told her there are no restrictions on gender-identity. She then told other female members to be careful using the locker room.  more here

32 Comments on Planet Fitness – Lose Membership If You Do Not Want To Shower With A Man

  1. As I mentioned in a previous thread:

    There are days I feel as though I am in an alternate Universe of cruelty, perversion and stupidity — then I read the headlines and am certain of it.

  2. About 10 years ago we were down in SoCal staying in Huntington Beach. There was a Planet Fitness right across the street. Gold Gym was 10 miles away. So the first day there I walked across the street for a lift. I never pay before I see what the gym looks like. And this gym looked PURPLE. Dumb Bells only went to 60 pounds. No Bench Press, no Hack Squat, lots of mirrors and believe me no men.

  3. I have a newly opened Planet Fitness that just opened in my neighborhood about 2-3 months ago. It’s located where an older Albertson’s supermarket was and next door to the Goodwill. I was thinking of joining but might reconsider and just go out and walk for 30-45minutes a day which is probably better for me anyway and doesn’t cost anything.

  4. Jack Lalanne worked out for two hours every day from age 15 onward. He contracted pneumonia and died a week later having worked out two hours the day before. He was 96.

    All he needed was a chair, a jumpsuit and his white German Shepherd, Happy.

    Gyms with mirrors, showers and wrestling are for faggots to meat gaze and hookup.

  5. ” and wrestling ”

    Ahh, and that’s why every faggot will always be able to kick your ass.
    Sometime in mortal combat you are actually required to touch the other combatant. I know, that’s traumatic. Good luck.

  6. If all the women at that gym don’t immediately cancel membership they are inviting this behavior everywhere.
    C’mon ladies. Stick together and stop this crap.

  7. I wont be fighting a dude in a spandex onsie, mouthguard and helmet unless it’s retard night at Taco Bell and the run out of crispy beef tacos.

    Otherwise, that’s why God made rifles.

  8. Vermin Control
    If you think you can control that battle you are delusional. Simple wrestling moves are invaluable for survival. I’m interested to know if you view Judo the same way? Essentially a lot of the same moves. Certainly the same discipline. Guys like you worry me.

  9. Grappling a dude in bdu’s or gi and cup I understand. A sweaty homo in a leotard rubbing his junk all over me and grunting sounds like prison, Folsem Street or a retard food fight.

  10. I’ll wrestle a woman like Andy Kaufman did all day. I would not mind if she won. She can wear a onesie and rub her junk on me.

    But this ain’t Greece, I’m over 50, not a Spartan at the agogee (homo institution) and ain’t wrastlin no butt pirate.

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