Planned Parenthood Advised Hollywood Production Workers – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Advised Hollywood Production Workers


The Director of Arts and Entertainment Engagement at Planned Parenthood told the Washington Post in an article published Monday that she regularly talks with many in Hollywood to steer the dialogue on topics such as abortion. In the article, Planned Parenthood’s Caren Spruch said she’s influenced more than 150 films since 2014 and is constantly contacted for advice on services that the non-profit provides.

Spruch claimed she pushes screenwriters to discuss abortion or encourages story lines on birth control and sexually transmitted infections. The abortion rights activist has her hand in shows like “Shrill” and “Jane the Virgin.” She has had so much of an influence that it has earned her the nickname “Planned Parenthood’s Woman in Hollywood.”

The nation’s largest abortion clinic might see Spruch’s role as relief from the series of shake-ups in the organization’s leadership over the past few months. Dr. Leana Wen served as Planned Parenthood’s president for less than a year before being ousted in July, in part, for refusing to push the organization’s laser-focus on abortion. read more

7 Comments on Planned Parenthood Advised Hollywood Production Workers

  1. …I won’t believe they are TRULY down for the cause until all Hollywood themselves volunteer PERSONALLY for THEMSELVES to be late-term aborted.

    …come ON guys, we’re waiting…show us that you MEAN it, let’s turn those virtue signals UP to be as high as YOU are…

  2. CC SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 9:17 AM
    ‘I can imagine PP on the set:
    “You must bend the coathanger just so, Jawohl?”’

    “JA, mein Obergruppenführer, sofort! Tut mir lied, ich habe vergessen…


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