Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy

DC: Planned Parenthood is standing by Women’s March, even as accusations of anti-Semitism roil the left-wing activist group.

An investigation published by Tablet Magazine on Monday revealed Women’s March leaders repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, including spreading conspiracy theories about Jews being responsible for the slave trade.

The investigation also revealed that ties between Women’s March leaders and Nation of Islam — a notoriously racist and anti-Semitic organization — go even deeper than previously known.

But Planned Parenthood is proudly standing with Women’s March, Planned Parenthood communications director Erica Sackin said in a statement to left-wing website Refinery29 on Thursday.  READ MORE

7 Comments on Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy

  1. Planned Parenthood “proudly” stands by a woman who champions a culture that uses women as breeding stock for a new generation of raiders; a culture whose “parental plan” is to get the female to push out seven and eight bouncy baby bombers even if it means that the children grow up half starved and without a mother (because she died trying to push out #9)

    And finally she champions a culture that would have had no problem putting Margaret Sanger in a pit and throwing large rocks at the epicenter of her demented ideas

  2. Hmmm … let’s see … the “kill-your-children” advocates are infiltrated by radical izlamists who hate Western Civilization (Civilization in general, actually), hate Jews, hate negroes, hate Chinks, hate mexicans … well … hate everybody and everything that isn’t them, as a matter of fact.

    If you can convince your enemies to kill themselves and their children – you’ve pretty much won whatever war you engage!
    Clever bastards!

    And the hate-America, hate-Western Civilization, hate-whitey, hate-Freedom, hate-Liberty sons and daughters of Satan and his perverted Proffit have aligned themselves with marxists, leninists, stalinists, and hitlerites to destroy us – and our politicians make us pay to support them?

    What the fukkin fukk!?

    izlamo delenda est … now more than ever …

  3. Minorities of every category are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with PP; the only hold outs are those that don’t want to associate with Anti-Semites and then that is only a few. For Margret Sanger that’s like bowling a 299.

    Think about that- Sanger set a model that has Farrakhan providing security for a PP sponsored event. Sanger is getting a high five from Satan himself for that level of craftiness.

    I wonder if Hitler and Sanger debate which is more impressive? Is it the over all numbers or the numbers in your life that are more impressive? You just know Hitler is screaming “yes, but how many murdered while-you-were-alive?” To which Stalin, Mao are all saying- “life time achievement means ‘while-you-were-alive'”. But Marx and Lenin are like “you totally get to count those that were using your play book or rather to the cause you-gave-your-life-to”. But I digress. FDR any insight on how those late night poker game table talk goes?

  4. Pelopidas

    I’m thinking that FDR would say this about Uncle Adolf:

    Awww, that Hitler fella isn’t such a bad guy, once you get to know him. God dammit, he’s a great poker player and a pretty good golfer. I played 18 god-damned holes with him last week at the god-damned Lake of Fire Country Club. He’s a dammed fine son-of-a-bitch in my book.

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