Planned Parenthood Sues to Keep Access to Young Children in Sex Ed – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Sues to Keep Access to Young Children in Sex Ed

Breitbart: Planned Parenthood affiliates from around the country are suing the Trump administration for its efforts to promote sex education programs in public schools that teach young people to make healthy lifestyle decisions rather than topics such as masturbation, anal sex, LGBT sex, the morning-after pill, and abortion.

The lawsuits were filed in federal courts by Planned Parenthood affiliates in New York City, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, and Washington.

Planned Parenthood claims the Trump administration wants to force an “abstinence-only agenda” on young people.

“Young people have the right to the information and skills they need to protect their health,” Dawn Laguens, vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said, according to the Associated Press. “The Trump-Pence administration is trying to impose their abstinence-only agenda on young people across the country.”

The Trump administration cut millions of dollars in grants from Obama-era Teen Pregnancy Programs (TPP) to Planned Parenthood after data revealed the programs were not effective.  more here

7 Comments on Planned Parenthood Sues to Keep Access to Young Children in Sex Ed

  1. A lot of the leftist (so-called progressive) BS goes back to a statement by the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras: “Man is the measure of all things.” It is usually interpreted to mean that the individual human being, rather than God or an unchanging moral law, is the ultimate source of value.

    Today, it comes down to this: a woman’s right to kill her (and the father’s) unborn child trumps God’s word.


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