Planned Parenthood to Target 4 GOP Senators – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood to Target 4 GOP Senators

Conservative Intel: Planned Parenthood will run ads targeting four incumbent Republican senators in tight races.

planned parenthood video

Yes, the organization that cuts through the faces of babies with still beating hearts to extract the brain has the gall to attack vulnerable Republican senators while asking people to stand up for “Planned Parenthood healthcare.”

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12 Comments on Planned Parenthood to Target 4 GOP Senators

  1. PeePee is spending a LOT of money right now through their political org

    We got a big, fat envelope from them in yesterday’s mail, the front of which reads: “BACK OFF BIRTH CONTROL!” in heavy, black font. The back reads: “Stand With Planned Parenthood” in a large, white-on-black graphic. The PeePee Action Fund’s physical address is: 434 West 33rd, NY.

    This mailer targets: Mike Huckabee, Darell Issa, KS Gov Sam Brownback

    The enclosed letter from Cecile Richards is so chock full of lies about PeePee and what they are that to analyze it sentence by sentence would fill up the rest of this page.

  2. so, an organization that takes money from the government can run political adds but if a church gets too preachy it can loose it’s tax exempt status?

    How we got to where we are is making more sense.

  3. So long as they are funded with tax dollars they can do no wrong. Name one tax funded program that believes what they are doing is wrong. Welfare, one of the largest tax funded program, is in existence to go out of existence; PP is in existence to literally put people out of existence. Yet, here we are, struggling with them, larger than they have ever been. Vote for someone who has the balls to defund these programs. yea yea, don’t hold your breath so long as the establishment is established.

  4. If I receive harassing, unsolicited, garbage from them i will return it to them after my puppy and my neighbors doberman exercise their daily constitutionals… they wont send me anything again.

  5. When I get envelopes from jerk solicitors I take the self addressed stamped envelope from inside the envelope and stuff it full of cut up magazines and other trash paper that may be around (removing anything that has ID on it) fill it so full you need to use packing tape to hold it shut.

    Then stick it in the mail. If you can get it over 2 ounces it will cost them about a buck to have it delivered back to them.

    Plus you can get rid of other junk mail trash around your house and help out the post office.

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