Planned Parenthood’s Pennsylvania Chapter Rocked By Racism Allegations, Executive Director Resigns – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood’s Pennsylvania Chapter Rocked By Racism Allegations, Executive Director Resigns

Daily Wire: Another left-leaning organization is at the center of racism allegations.

Planned Parenthood’s Pennsylvania chapter has been accused of numerous racial transgressions, including board members allegedly making racist comments and ignoring staff complaints, The Daily Beast reported. A group of staffers demanded the chapter’s executive director resign, which she did Tuesday evening. more

5 Comments on Planned Parenthood’s Pennsylvania Chapter Rocked By Racism Allegations, Executive Director Resigns

  1. “Another Left-leaning organization..” Oh, please! Left-leaning? Really? C’mon Daily Wire, you’re mincing your terms now?

    And speaking of speaking (or writing): Anyone else listen to the GA Legislature’s election fraud hearings? The chairman of that committee was incoherent, the Democrat legislators spouted Chicago political Machine talking/training points, a number of key Repub election fraud witnesses had truly bombshell testimony but it was often difficult to make heads or tails of their rambling explanations and the Republican legislators’ response to what they were hearing revealed they, apparently, don’t even understand their own voting laws! With few exceptions — the woman with the CCTV tapes and Rudy — it was a truly exasperating to watch it.

    All to say: The PP’s infighting over crap that shouldn’t even be illegal — “Hate Speech” — seems more like a human interest story, not a worthy subject of journalism at the Daily Wire. Not today while swing state legislators dither over and look for any excuse to not use their Constitutional mandates (indeed, OBLIGATION) to protect their citizens from CCP and Dominion Voting Systems.


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