Please Clap – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Please Clap

  1. This guys such an obnoxious mixture of weakness and self absorbed bull shit it makes me sick. He is Mr. Participation trophy on steroids.
    Yesterday we were finishing up a road trip, half way between Flagstaff and Kingman on highway 40, out in the middle of no where there’s what left of an old cement foundation on a hill side with the words “Vote Trump, Like Your Freedom Depends On It”. Truer words.

  2. Jill: Joe, stop it, I already gave you that.

    Kamala: Jill, no, I gave it to him first.

    Jill: Stop lying Kamala!

    Kamala: Don’t call me a liar…I clapped him up good in San Francisco back in 2010…

    Jill: Slaps Kamala in the face.

    Kamala: Why you bitch…pulls Jill’s hair.

    Then they fall to the floor, spitting on and biting and scratching each other.

    The audience is horrified, but Joe looks on the scene with great amusement, while rubbing what’s left of his testes.

  3. Biden doesn’t know what he’s reading over the teleprompter !

    The hand selected audience consisting of staff and political hangers on, don’t know what he’s saying.

    They all have to be prompted what to say, when to clap and told where to exit.

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