Please Comment On The CDC’s Children’s Vaccine Schedule – IOTW Report

Please Comment On The CDC’s Children’s Vaccine Schedule

If you agree, kindly tell them NOT to add any Covid and Covid-related vaccines to the childhood vaccination schedule. OCT 20th 2022 is the last day for comments.

  • Comment Due Date Oct 20, 2022
  • Federal Register Number 2022-20045
  • Received Date Sep 19, 2022
  • Comment Start Date Sep 19, 2022

^^^ Click on the COMMENT box.

h/t Heauxray

34 Comments on Please Comment On The CDC’s Children’s Vaccine Schedule

  1. Too many people still believe .gov has their best interests at heart.
    I’ll bet there were Jews saying “Can’t happen here” in 1930’s Berlin.
    Also too many people seemingly ignorant of that time period of history.

  2. They very well may want all the children dead, but that’s not their primary motivation for getting their poisonous “vaccine” on the children’s schedule. It’s the liability exposure they lose. For some corrupt and evil reason, putting a vaccine on the kids’ list removes liability for damaging or killing anybody of any age.

  3. No COOF Vax unless you are OVER 55, Immune compromised, have other High Risk factors AND actually want it.

    Freedom of choice & no scheduling until AFTER 10 more years (min) of UNBIASED data analysis.

    But I’m just a dumb Tradesman…

  4. Uncle Al
    OCTOBER 18, 2022 AT 8:32 PM
    “They very well may want all the children dead, but that’s not their primary motivation for getting their poisonous “vaccine” on the children’s schedule. It’s the liability exposure they lose. For some corrupt and evil reason, putting a vaccine on the kids’ list removes liability for damaging or killing anybody of any age.”

    …because the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

    “During the early 1980s childhood immunization programs fell into chaos. Vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers were overwhelmed with liability lawsuits from parents who believed that their children had been harmed by the DTP vaccine , which protects against diphtheria, tetanus , and pertussis ( whooping cough ). Companies that developed and produced vaccines halted or threatened to halt production and serious vaccine shortages developed. Childhood immunization rates fell.

    To address this problem, physicians, public health agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, government representatives, and the parent-founded and -operated National Vaccine Information Center called for a no-fault alternative to litigation for resolving vaccine injury claims.”

    Read more:

  5. @PHenry — There’s a large subset of those people who say, “I went to public school and I turned out OK!” who didn’t turn out OK. They’re too damaged to realize they are sending their kids to the same place to be damaged, too.

  6. I left a comment.

    It is now one of 1500 comments pending some “approval” process.

    Only 422 have been accepted.

    I’m not real optimistic they’re going to allow more than token honesty, and I’m very sure they won’t pay any attention to them anyway.

  7. Like Camperfixer said, this is pure (unadulterated fucking) evil. Sheer and absolute madness.

    Matt & I have both been encouraged by our doctors to have flu, coof, and pneumonia shots this winter. Our polite responses have been vague ums but in our heads we are SCREAMING no effing way.

  8. Marooned
    OCTOBER 18, 2022 AT 7:38 PM
    “Children are made for making iPhonez.”

    …and for strip-mining for cobalt to make batteries.

    Lots and lots of batteries.

    All of which will be hazardous waste 5 years from now.

  9. Face it.
    Once we acquiesced to the murder of the innocents we opened the door to all manner of Satanic shit.
    Logically, if it’s OK to kill them, then it’s OK to abuse them (sexually or otherwise).
    If it’s OK to kill them and abuse them, then it’s OK to USE them in medical, social, and psychological experimentation.
    If it’s OK to kill them, abuse them, and use them, then it’s OK to mutilate them for the sake of parents’ amusement and and doctors’ enrichment.

    If it’s OK to kill them, abuse them, use them, and mutilate them, then they are nothing but slaves – or even less than slaves – most of the same people who idly accept abortion, pedophilia, CoVid experimentation, and surgical “gender” transitioning would blanche at cruelty to a dog.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. …from their comment page…

    “Comments Received

    This count refers to the total comment/submissions received on this document, as of 11:59 PM yesterday. For a detailed description on how the displayed comment count is derived, please see the note on the FAQ page. Note: Comments are made on individual documents within the docket. To review other comments, please click on “Browse Posted Comments”.”

    …they have added over 15,000 comments since I tried to post one last night. Still only the original 422 are actually available to read.

    I’m guessing that they will be busy today YouTubing the negative comments, posting only a fraction of them.

    And this won’t change a thing.

    They’ve killed too many to admit they’re wrong now.

    If you know parents of young children, buy a funeral suit.

    You’re going to need it.

    If you ARE a parent of a young child and do not home school your child to avoid the coming vaxx mandate, buy a coffin appropriate to the size of your child.

    You’re going to need it.

  11. The fact that this is even a possibility ought to be ‘a shot in the arm’ to the school voucher programs. Parents should be able to take their kid’s voucher and spend it on a school (or homeschool) where they approve of the cirriculum and the kids aren’t the subject of medical experiments.

  12. Who thinks that this government would be responsive to the opinions of the citizenry? This is the scum that is criminalizing parents expressing opinions at school boards. The only thing you will accomplish by “spreading vaccine disinformation” is getting your name on a terrorist watch list.


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