Please Don’t Buy Me This for Christmas – IOTW Report

Please Don’t Buy Me This for Christmas

The worst gift I’ve ever gotten was from Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare.
Thanks a lot, you Botoxed shrew!

Momzette– Someone I know said he was thinking of buying me a vacuum for Christmas.


I thought about using the evil eye on this person, but given the holiday season and all, I tried a more adult response: “Oh, you shouldn’t.”

(What I didn’t say was: “Oh, you wouldn’t!”)

“But we need a new one for the house,” he said. “Right?”

OK. It is time to clear the air.


SNIP: The older I get, the more I understand why people just give cash as gifts. I’ve done it myself, with gift cards, but I put them in boxes decorated like these to make the gifts seem like a BFD.

35 Comments on Please Don’t Buy Me This for Christmas

  1. Consider the power source. A couple generations beforehand wood/coal irons were given to the women as a spectacular gift, and the girls would receive working miniature versions to help their mother as early as possible. A fancy gift may have been a goffering iron or a fluter for the man’s collar. Electricity wasn’t available during the day until Tuesdays of the 1880s known as ironing day when the first electric irons were available in Canada. Give a few more decades and replace the Hoover with a computer. 🙂

  2. I don’t think my father would have even considered buying my mother a vacuum cleaner. I can only recall him giving her clothing, shoes, jewelry, and perfume. He traveled for his business and always set aside an afternoon to shop for Mom. He knew all her sizes and was a shrewd judge of style and garment construction. I find shopping stressful and wish my dad were here to deck me out LOL.

  3. If you want to buy her some hot stillettos, my dad, from beyond the grave, recommends Murray Bender in Cleveland or O’Connor and Goldberg in Chicago.

    One of the saddest days in my life was realizing my feet had grown too big to I her it Mom’s Spring – o- Later collection.

  4. That’s funny MaryJane. Mrs Galt actually asked for a vacuum cleaner one year, had to be a Dyson though, lots of pets and lots of hair and then there’s me.

    At this point in my life I tell my five daughters that I have a dumpster for each one of them so I don’t need nothin!

    Well, maybe socks and underwear or gift cards to Chili’s or ammo.

  5. Hey…at least it’s not a bathroom scale.

    I once asked a girlfriend if she liked fur coats or if she was one of those women who think they’re “mean”.
    She got very excited and said she’d LOVE to have a fur coat.
    I got her a leg-hold trap for Christmas.
    True story.
    Some women just have no sense of humor!

  6. I’d like a Dyson vacuum with 2 hands to use it. Those would not be my 2 hands.

    I wanted a new pair of shoes to wear with my new outfit, but could not afford them. Was walking downtown and a blind man was sitting on the curb asking for money. I noticed his shoes were new, so I took them. I left him 50 cents.

  7. I am getting a new (used) Vacuum for Christmas.
    After many years of dedicated service my old Hoover upright finally gave up and died.
    Mom is giving me her spare Oreck.


  8. My late husband once told my in-laws I would like a new coffee maker. So at the next gift giving opportunity he got a lovely hat.

    I detest gift shopping and would rather make all the gifts. Seculsrists have ruined Christmas. I still cry at the end of A Charlie Brown Christmas.

  9. I was going to get my wife a new wedding ring, the one she has was supposed to be: “When I can afford a better one.”
    The last kid is out of college and married, she wants a new washer instead, it arrives next Monday.
    She says the old ring is “special”.
    I am truly blessed.

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