“Plot Twist. Colorado Is Getting Exactly What They Voted For & Deserve.” – IOTW Report

“Plot Twist. Colorado Is Getting Exactly What They Voted For & Deserve.”

“Colorado be like where all the American Patriots at with guns. We need help. We need somebody to do something ‌ My short answer for you is no.

28 Comments on “Plot Twist. Colorado Is Getting Exactly What They Voted For & Deserve.”

  1. He’s talking about all the grief he endured during COVID. You remember how the average Karen’s, both male and female, treated the unvaxed? That’s what he is talking about. Many were all in on vilifying the unvaxed, therefore, he feels no compassion when the tables are turned against those who mistreated him.

    Listen to him in the video with this post.

  2. Correction:
    “Plot Twist. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS. BOULDER and FT COLLINS are Getting Exactly What They Voted For & Deserve”.
    I’m sure the rest of the state didn’t vote for that sh-t.

  3. I just watched some ranch hand looking dude that lives just outside Aurora on IG advising that everyone that hears him and lives in Colorado to go buy as many ARs and AKs as they can and as much ammo as they can. He claims the news media isn’t even scratching the surface as to whats going on.
    You get what you tolerate. To many soy boys for me.

  4. Meanwhile liberals are screaming about gun control, yet I haven’t heard one peep out of them about illegals running around carrying AK47s… and using them!
    Colorado needs to show the nation what real stupidity looks like and results in!
    Colorado: Don’t Be Them!

  5. “illegals running around carrying AK47s”

    The wife and I just had this discussion on the ride into work. What they are after, what they have always been after, is the gun on my hip. And they don’t care how many schools they need to shoot up to get it.

    By the way there’s a video of the Venezuelan gang member emptying their mags into the air. Most of those weapons are full auto.

  6. My great grandfather John which was also my dad’s name (paternal) was born in the late 1860’s was a Colorado native and was a miner and a master carpenter who died in 1950 3 years before I was born. He wouldn’t even recognize or want to be associated with what Colorado has become.

  7. Like here in Maine.
    We used to be purple. Evenly split.
    Not now. Libidiots from big, lefty cities moved here during covid to escape big cities and now only the northern part of the State is red.
    I wouldn’t pull a gun for any of these jerks who vote to destroy civilization.

  8. Those who are saying “you get what you deserve/voted for” aren’t wrong, just short-sighted. You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face.
    Yes, they are morons. Low-life assholes who have fucked this country up for teh rest of us. Which may or may not have been their intention, but certainly it was the result of their ignorance.
    But to sit on our hands and say “No” is condemning my kids, and yours, to exactly the kind of hell on earth we saw coming even if they didn’t. We can’t trust them to deal with it properly. They have made this mess, but like all spoiled, ignorant children, they need adults to clean up the mess.
    What happens if we don’t?
    We ALL lose.
    Will you still feel that sense of schadenfreude when it comes to your neighborhood?
    If it isn’t addressed very soon, it will be.
    Personally, I’d be just as happy dropping the enablers as the invaders.
    But first things first.
    Make preps.
    Make plans.
    The period between the election and the inauguration will be pivotal, imo.
    If it goes the way I, and many, expect, then we will need to get off our asses.
    Under the radar.
    We can win if we want to. We don’t just need courage. It’ll take more than plans and preps.
    It takes resolve.

  9. Dan K

    I don’t disagree with what you have written, however, nobodies going to be traveling to help anyone out. Do what you’ve listed but, start local, stay local. It’s got to be that way.

  10. Not enough damage yet to wake up liberals. If elections were held tomorrow every damn communist would be reelected in a landslide. For every democrat who’s wised up and is suffering from buyer’s remorse there are ten thousand illegal voters to keep democrats in office.

  11. No, like EVERY STATE, rural folks voted mostly for the government to do a good job, while city democrats voted to destroy the state. There are ZERO 100% blue states, so slamming everyone is inappropriate. Folks who voted the right way are being victimized. Government MUST BE STRIPPED of 99.99999% of its power…at least.

  12. Dan K most of what you say resonates with me…to the core…but I heartily agree with B_Brad. Just like Faith, and politics, an organized defense begins, and maintains, at the local level. If enough of us engage in those three, positive results percolate up to the top!

    While I admit it’s a bit tempting to kit-out and do the 6 1/2 hour drive up to Aurora in order to help some bud’s out, that’s not really on my radar. Can’t be, too busy locally.

    Elements of Tren de Argua are already showing up, here in Texas…Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and surrounding areas of Austin…brazenly so in Dallas.
    Not to mention up and down, all along our state’s Southern Border. If I were, abstractly speaking, to gear up for some sort of 5, 7, or 11 hour wheels-up, prepped-to-the-teeth, speed run, it would be down to Ft. Worth, Round Rock, Sugar Land, or Lake Jackson to secure & haul my progeny back up here to the ranch!


  13. ^^^^^^
    One of the guys that showed up in Austin was command and control for the Chicago apartment take over. These guys are organized and dangerous. I’ve known our current Sheriff for a long time. I texted him last Friday asking what’s the deal with the Venezuelans here locally. He answered back, none in this county, but they’re thick in the county directly to the south. We’re in touch with their gang units.
    Well that gang doesn’t have any issues traveling to rich affluent communities and robbing those people. That describes where we live. So who’s going to be protecting my family while I’m away?

  14. “We need somebody to do something”
    Have you looked in the mirror?
    THERE’S the “somebody” to do “something” to get you out of the mess that you voted yourself into.

  15. I hate to say it but Dallas is only slightly better than Austin and Houston. Half the businesses you go into, all of the employees speak Spanish and very little if any broken English. It’s also full of a lot of leftist idiots. So it will be up to the Governor to do something, because leaders in that city aren’t going to do anything.
    We have the same problem in OKC, Norman and Edmond, Tulsa is over half way there with the leftist idiots.
    The difference is our Governor will do something, it’s too damn bad we don’t have the same AG, but idiot Republicans either voted for a guy because of his last name or the powers that be installed him.

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