PLOUFFE: Hillary has ‘huge problem’ with Millennial voters – IOTW Report

PLOUFFE: Hillary has ‘huge problem’ with Millennial voters

AM: Barack Obama’s coalition of voters is not coming out to support Hillary Clinton.

Former Obama strategist David Plouffe had few answers for the grim reality that Clinton is lagging with Millennial voters, a key coalition piece to Obama’s electoral success.

After being told on Monday’s “With All Due Respect” that Clinton is 20 points behind Obama’s 60% support among young voters, Plouffe said, “That’s a problem, not just a campaign problem, that’s a problem.”

10 Comments on PLOUFFE: Hillary has ‘huge problem’ with Millennial voters

  1. The democratic party’s real problem is that they can’t force people to believe their lies, and they blame the American people for not being as stupid as the party has decided they should be.

  2. The Dhimmocratic Party has told so many many lies over the last 90 years, they would not know TRUTH if it slapped the snot out of them. When you lose your foundation with what’s real and what isn’t, it becomes problematic on a gargantuan scale. The Illuminati, the Enlightened Oligarchy, cannot stand the hoi palloi even questioning them, much less daring to disobey! Rips them a new one in every king and queen wanna be. We are onto them, when have their measure, and we are going to take them down and destroy them.

  3. Of course the other side of that coin is Barky Hussein has shit in his bed, and keeps doing it, trying to destroy their country and ours. So, duh, yes they want nothing to do with the Democraps.

  4. Their problem is that the millennials were too young to pay attention to the clintoons back then, and now, thanks to the ‘net, the tawdry episodes of Bubba and his lovely wife Bruno are there for the youngsters to read for themselves.
    Tough to rail against the 1% when you’re a member and not be called a hypocrite by the SJWs.

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