“Plus-size catwalkers”, “Diversity”: Sports Illustrated’s 2021 Swimsuit Issue Is Here – IOTW Report

“Plus-size catwalkers”, “Diversity”: Sports Illustrated’s 2021 Swimsuit Issue Is Here

Suns out, buns out!

We’re midway through a scorching summer and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is back to quench our thirst.

Since 1964, the mag has been putting out steamy photos of the boldest bombshells on the planet. The 2021 issue — on newsstands Thursday — showcases SI’s most diverse group of women to date, which includes a slew of plus-size catwalkers and a 57-year-old stunner.

Leyna Bloom

This year’s three cover stars are tennis great Naomi OsakaMegan Thee Stallion (the first rapper to appear on the cover of the issue) and Leyna Bloom, the first trans woman to appear in the issue and on the cover.


While past issues have featured bikini babes posing in exotic locales from Switzerland to China  — Kate Upton even once posed among penguins in Antarctica — the 2020 pandemic curtailed international travel. So, all of this year’s sexy shoots took place stateside at Hard Rock Hotel locations in California, Florida and Atlantic City. more here

54 Comments on “Plus-size catwalkers”, “Diversity”: Sports Illustrated’s 2021 Swimsuit Issue Is Here

  1. I did. OMGoodness.

    Are these people clueless…or maybe their T in in the 200s?

    Hell maybe single digits. I felt mine dropping after 20 seconds watching that land whale.

  2. I’m not against ‘healthy’ girls in swimsuits, but “sloppy” ones are not cute. As for the regular people in swimsuits, I don’t care what size you are, find one that FITS.

  3. BTW, where is the swimsuit edition with MEN on the cover?
    Yeah, where are the underweight sharp-boned models with huge dicks?
    Where are the beer-bellied oily, hairy, men with the combovers?
    Why are the women only allowed to be ‘diverse’? Bring on the trans-men!

    Come on now. Fair is fair.

  4. Please. Everyone. Stop wearing thongs. It’s just gross. lol
    Can you imagine? Your friend says, “I brought you an extra swimsuit you can borrow.” And it’s a thong-kini. Eewwwww.

  5. What’s nice about being a really REALLY big oversized plus-size model is that you get to sit around on your fat ass all day, eat whatever you want, never exercise, and get paid huge amounts of money while you travel the world just for trying to pass off a pup tent as sexy lingerie. Easy work if you can get it.

  6. 1) So now a dude is on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Is there nothing women can do that men can’t do better?

    2) “Opening eyes. Speaking truths. Changing minds.” That’s SI’s tagline on the cover. Well, SI, I’m averting my eyes. The truth I’m speaking is that you’ve put a dude on the cover. And as for changing my mind–nope, especially not about not buying your magazine.

  7. A bit ago, some woman on TV as trying to slam men because they’re anti woman, and in her next breath she was promoting hookers. LOL.

    As for the porn mags, she defended them by saying they were artistic just like Ruben’s paintings. I LOL’d.
    There’s a huge difference between a partially covered nude surrounded by flowers and silky sheets and one that’s spread eagle on a toilet eating a plantain.

    People are so fucking stupid.

  8. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,

    WTF does this have to do with sports?

    Well, hunting is a sport, and this is the result of eating all the water buffalo. They have become what they eat.

  9. So runway models sizes were originally chosen so the clothes drape a certain way and essentially you could have one size produced with little or no alterations needed. The girls who fit that bill got the jobs.

    Since it’s all about feelings now, when is the NBA or the NFL going to give the average athletic guy, trans or short obese guy a spot so all the aging weekend warriors will feel better about their genetics and life choices??????

  10. I’ve seen girls fatter than those at Walmart.
    (not in swimsuits)
    Should have gotten Joy Behar, Schtuppie Goldbird, and Rosie O’Donnell to pose nekkid for em!
    And Moose Obola!
    Might as well make EVERYBODY puke.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Next year I hope they take photos at the beach.
    Should they get caught in a strong tide, they hefty ones can double as floatation devices for the smaller ones.
    But seriously, as a not so svelte person myself, I am not sure whether to say ‘congratulations’ to them or “Thar she blows!”

  12. G-ROSS!

    Thongs are unattractive. Those new swimsuits that are almost thongs are horrible.

    With M. Thee Stallion on the cover SI now stands for Skanks International.

  13. “Sports Illustrated’s 2021 Swimsuit Issue Is Here”

    And it can stay over THERE!

  14. I canx’d my SI subscription last year because of the Jersey parade in that swimsuit edition. In fact, I mailed it back to them! Prior to that … I have my copy of every swimsuit edition printed. I realize fat girls have feelings too … but that doesn’t mean anyone wants to see them in a bikini in SI. YGTBFSM!!

  15. Wow, a lot of rude, judgemental comments here. I have always preferred petite, but I would much rather look at a BBW with a pretty face than some freak trangender sick puke.
    Just my humble opinion

  16. It’s understood beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but there used to be a concensus of a societal definition of beauty.
    A reference/guide for modeling to frame a higher standard used to exist.
    It was in conjunction with the pursuit of a higher quality of life for everyone.
    Gangly, obese and deformed physiques or the incorrect gender for a style of clothing were not included for that reason.

    Like everything socialism mandates and controls for example, this bizarre SI edition, the standard of living deteriorates. Society is forced to settle for an uninspired mish-mash, virtue signaling, substandard imagery.

  17. Nothing more than 500 lbs of swinging meat, per each. Mag is promoting gross obesity, gluttonous eating, unhealthy nutrition habits, and fatty liver disease along with potential heart attack, bad skin, sleep apnea, clogged arteries, swollen edema cankles, diabetes, mega-ugliness et al.


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