Podesta can’t explain why Russians focused on battleground states and Hillary didn’t – IOTW Report

Podesta can’t explain why Russians focused on battleground states and Hillary didn’t

American Thinker: I don’t know whether Democrats truly believe that Russian meddling swung the election to Trump in 2016 or it’s just a convenient narrative to excuse their own incompetence and stupidity.

If they really believe it, they are delusional.  More likely, as political pros, Democrats like John Podesta recognize the real reason why Hillary Clinton lost.  She was the worst presidential candidate in the history of the Democratic party heading up the worst run campaign in the history of either party.

Podesta was trapped by Face the Nation host Nancy Cordes and unsuccessfully tried to spin his way out of it.  At issue: Why did the Russians know to concentrate their efforts on battleground states and Hillary didn’t? read more


17 Comments on Podesta can’t explain why Russians focused on battleground states and Hillary didn’t

  1. Hillary didn’t go to those states because she physically wasn’t up to the rigors of a presidential campaign. She’s a lush and a fat ass. She couldn’t even hall her lard butt up a few stairs without needing help to keep from keeling over. If the democrats had run someone who was reasonably healthy and less of a pig, they would’ve probably won the election, but it was “her turn”.

  2. I disagree. Podesta, Mook et al ran a slick, modern, professional campaign.

    Despite that, and 20 years of plotting, and the total fanatical complicity of the entire MSM of 2 continents, HRC lost by 1% (even after 5-6 million Illegals voting with Obama’s active enabling) because AMERICANS FINALLY REJECTED THE LEFT.

    The Left desperately needs to rewrite recent history. Pretending that Americans who KNOW their lives and communities were destroyed by NAFTA would have voted for HRC if only she’d deigned to breeze through the Rust Belt just once is the MSM’s latest tactic to pretend she could have won (as she deserved to win!) “if only” her staff had done something differently.

    Don’t get sucked into that. I see too many Patriots falling for that tactic and, like adopting the Left’s terminology and premises, it’s a no win.

    An evil Leftist monster was narrowly defeated despite every unfair advantage only because enough Americans have rejected The Left and for the first time since Reagan saw a candidate capable of Taking Our Country Back.

  3. She didn’t focus on those States because she believed her own (the Networks) BS polls saying she would win them handily.
    Nobody was going to ‘chance it’ telling her the truth.

  4. The Mule nailed it.

    I would only add that and the “spirit cooking”, Huma and her perv Wiener, Bill “should have had a mugging that went wrong” (hindsight is 20/20), being cleared by the FBI on July 3rd (just bad timing, I remember thinking the Republic was declared dead a day before it’s birthday), laughing about getting a child rapist (who she knew to be guilty) off and so many other “character flaws”.

    Trump’s win was an adrenaline shot to the heart and the Republic went from flat-line to having a heart beat again. As a Republic what we need to get out of the ICU is to have the criminals from Obama & Hillary down stand trial for their crimes.

    In the final analysis… thank G-d she lost.

  5. From what I could tell, all the trolls I saw on conservative blogs were trying to get hellery elected and leave conservative blogs in ruins (i.e. Moonbattery), including this blog.

  6. These wonderful developments in finger pointing and second guessing by the criminal class known as the modern Democrat Party as it evolves into the Democrat-Socialist Party are a never ending gift from the people who wanted to run against Donald Trump. How fortunate for us that their Jane Boswell is none other than the over-served, Chardonnay-swilling, harridan once known as the most qualified woman to ever run for any office in America: President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. This will only get more enjoyable as their phony Russian Collusion claims collapse around their corrupt ringleaders. It’s going to be one hell of a comeuppance for all these rodents when the truth is finally exposed in a few months time.

  7. The Russians spent more money on Facebook anti Hillary ads in Baltimore and DC, strong blue district. Rather than swing states Pennsylvania and other rust belt states.

    The total expenditure only amounted to less than fifty thousand dollars.

  8. Like Sarge, I had heard that the IRA had only spent less than 5k between Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

    This whole Russia investigation is horseshit and looks more like a personal vendetta against Manafort for not registering as a foreign agent.

    That no one is ever prosecuted over.

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