Podesta: Lawyer in Lewinsky Probe ‘Kept Me Out of Jail’ – IOTW Report

Podesta: Lawyer in Lewinsky Probe ‘Kept Me Out of Jail’

WFB: An attorney who represented then-White House aide John Podesta during the Monica Lewinsky perjury investigation “kept me out of jail,” according to Podesta, now the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The lawyer, Peter Kadzik, was later at the center of a scandal over Clinton White House pardons for family members of high-dollar Democratic donors.

Podesta heaped praise on Kadzik in a September 2008 email to the late Obama campaign operative Cassandra Butts, who, emails indicate, was searching for a lawyer to help vet potential staffers or appointees.

Podesta led the Obama transition team, and Butts served as its general counsel.


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