Poland Outlines U.S. State Dept Secretary Anthony Blinken as a Liar – IOTW Report

Poland Outlines U.S. State Dept Secretary Anthony Blinken as a Liar


During three separate interviews today, U.S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told media that Poland was sending fighter planes to Ukraine, and the U.S. was in negotiations with Poland to replace them.  The same assertion was made by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.

However, the official Twitter account of the chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland calls those reports “fake news”:

It’s bad enough when the media is spreading fake news, now we have the U.S. Secretary of State doing it.

That said, the original statements by Secretary Blinken didn’t pass the smell test.  Now it looks like Tony Blinken was trying to provoke Poland to be the spark that ignited the NATO war against Russia.   Stunning.   This is a pretty big deal, but watch the media drop the issue as if it never happened.  more

15 Comments on Poland Outlines U.S. State Dept Secretary Anthony Blinken as a Liar

  1. Ever notice how Anthony Never Blinken just stares into the camera like a robot programmed with the latest poop-du-jour from his Leftist masters! Meanwhile Poland is saying “don’t drag our asses into this mess!”

    It’s just another indication that the Left is itching for a world war while working in concert with every enemy of the Unite States.

  2. “Poland Outlines U.S. State Dept Secretary Anthony Blinken as a Liar”

    …well, he’s a Democrat, so, yeah, you kind of have to expect that, it’s their brand, and he IS working for a fraud posing as President and all and everyone knows it, so I don’t know why this would be a surprise…

  3. European nations have been blundering into wars for centuries. America used to be protected and isolated from these conflicts, but that all changed after WWII and the Soviet Union’s occupation of Eastern Europe. Kind of ironic that this Secretary of State seems to be trying to provoke the worst Russian leader since Joseph Stalin into a larger, more destructive conflict. We’re on the Edge of Destruction, and our country is being run by idiots. Dementia Joe hasn’t been right about a single major security threat in forty years, and he wasn’t in cognitive decline for thirty-eight of those years.

  4. The Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki Twitter statement dated 3/6/22

    “ Thank you @SecBlinken for your ongoing support and engagement. We will do everything to stop Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The response must be to strengthen transatlantic security, but most of all, NATO’s eastern flank”

    Update your article with a linked source and name otherwise this is false reporting.

  5. Marco,
    “Blundering?” Really?
    Those wars were planned and executed with malice aforethought (maybe not “The War of Jenkins’ Ear).

    And Wilson thrust us into a European War in 1917 making the US Globaloney-ist.
    WWII was an internecine socialist squabble that really didn’t involve us, either, until Dec. 7, 1941 and Dec. 11, 1941 when Hitler declared War on us (probably his second great mistake – invading Russia being his greatest).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Marco
    MARCH 7, 2022 AT 10:31 AM

    “Dementia Joe hasn’t been right about a single major security threat in forty years, and he wasn’t in cognitive decline for thirty-eight of those years.”

    Nah, I think his brain was eaten by syphilis decades ago, it’s just that he was so minor league that no one noticed he was an idiot until now.

    “General paresis
    General paresis is a problem with mental function due to damage to the brain from untreated syphilis.

    General paresis is one form of neurosyphilis. It usually occurs in people who have had untreated syphilis for many years. Syphilis is bacterial infection that is most often spread through sexual or nonsexual contact. Today, neurosyphilis is very rare.

    With neurosyphilis, the syphilis bacteria attack the brain and nervous system. General paresis often begins about 10 to 30 years after the syphilis infection.”

    …that’s Pedo Joe.

    …keep in mind too that some perverts delight in infection and spreading it to their helpless child rape victims.

    That, also, is Pedo Joe.

  7. Tim – FJB: while I agree with some of what you have written, the United States managed to stay out of European wars for nearly 23 years after WWI, including the 3 years when the Spanish Civil War was being used as a training ground for Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Soviet Union. Hitler stupidly declared war on the United States after the Japanese attacked the American, British, Dutch and Australian colonies and armed forces in the Pacific. After World War II, the United States assumed the place of the fading European powers, and decades of war in the former colonies of these countries to prevent Communism from taking control of the Third World kept us at war. Most historians believe that Hitler could have been stopped if the British and the French had insisted on enforcing all of the provisions of the Versailles Treaty. They blundered, not the United States.

  8. Marco,
    I agree. My point was that calling cowardice and fecklessness “blunder” is really giving them more credit than they deserve, in my very humble opinion.
    (and I have much to be humble about)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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