Poland Plans Pensions for Dogs, Horses in State Employment – IOTW Report

Poland Plans Pensions for Dogs, Horses in State Employment

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — They locate survivors in collapsed buildings, track down fugitives, foil drugs and explosives smugglers and help control rowdy crowds. All in exchange for food and lodging — and an occasional pat on the head.

But when retirement time comes, state care ends for the dogs and horses that serve in Poland’s Police, Border Guard and Fire Service. They are given away, with no safeguards for their future welfare.

Following appeals from concerned service members, the Interior Ministry has proposed new legislation that would give these animals an official status, and paid retirement to help cover the often costly care bills their new owners face.

Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski described the draft law as a “moral obligation” which should get unanimous backing when presented in Parliament for approval later this year. read more

13 Comments on Poland Plans Pensions for Dogs, Horses in State Employment

  1. How are dogs at managing money?

    Sounds like a payoff for the evil patriarchal white supremacists who will continue the oppression of our canine comrades!

    Dog Lives Matter!
    Power to the Canines!
    Death to the Evil White Patriarchy!
    Oh yeah, almost forgot: Eat the Rich!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Town in Mississippi named Kosciusko.
    They pronounce it “Koz-E-es-KO.”

    Poland sure got the poop-end of the stick by the allies after WWII.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Great idea. I am leaving money for my dog’s care when I shoot through. She has served me well and whomever volunteers to take her will have plenty for her upkeep and vet visits.


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