Poland: Refusing to Import Muslims is Only Proven Counter-Terror Method – IOTW Report

Poland: Refusing to Import Muslims is Only Proven Counter-Terror Method



The only way to protect Poland from Islamic terror attacks is to not allow Muslims to migrate en masse, a British-born, senior MEP for the nation’s ruling party said on Monday.

“When it comes to reducing the chances of Poland being hit by [Islamist] terror attacks, the only proven method is to not allow in Muslim migrants,” Ryszard Czarnecki told local radio after an attack in London on Saturday killed seven and injured at least 48 others.

Noting the children of Islamic immigrants have been responsible for a large number of ISIS-inspired attacks on European soil, the London-born Law and Justice (PiS) MEP said Poland is “learning from the mistakes” of other nations in the West, and so refuses to “open [its] doors to Islamic migrants.”


14 Comments on Poland: Refusing to Import Muslims is Only Proven Counter-Terror Method

  1. After Manchester…..Prime Minister Beata Szydło condemned the “political elites” of Europe and warned the continent must put in place “strong politicians” who are willing to tackle terrorism.

    Speaking of the need to act, Szydło said: “Where are you headed Europe?… Rise from your knees and from your lethargy or you will be crying over your children every day.”

    God bless this woman and God bless Poland!

  2. Some truths are self evident, but they aren’t politically correct in these overly sensitive, suicidal times. Isn’t it great that the countries that suffered the most from the Germans in WWII are not willing to be dictated to by Germany’s delusional political class? The Rivers of Blood won’t be flowing in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, or Slovakia.

  3. The Poles used to have a legislature where each rep was appointed by a big shot and each had a veto – this made it impossible to agree on any defensive measures. I believe this is the source of the Pollack jokes, as the big shots were more interested in benefits to themselves.

    All of western civs worst problems are unsolvable because of resistance from govt trough feeders, who fanatically cling to their fat undeserved benefits.

    Despite our advantages in info and our traditions of limited govt, we are being screwed worse than the Polish peasants. We are going to be remembered as a royal (D)umbazzes for millenia, thanks to our (D)irtbag big shots: the rich, the blacks, and stupid, greedy trough feeders in general.

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