Police Arrest Alleged Brake Line Cutter Caught on Camera Under NYPD Van – IOTW Report

Police Arrest Alleged Brake Line Cutter Caught on Camera Under NYPD Van

NBC NY: 24-year-old Jeremy Trapp has been charged with reckless endangerment and criminal mischief.

The NYPD arrested a man they say cut the brake line to at least one police van parked on a street in Brooklyn.

Video of the man sabotaging the vehicle shows the suspect underneath the van in Sunset Park along 4th Avenue and 42nd Street. Police spotted the man before they got into the van and found a pair of scissors on him.

A senior police official says a mechanic confirmed the brake line damage that would have prevented the van from coming to a stop. MORE

31 Comments on Police Arrest Alleged Brake Line Cutter Caught on Camera Under NYPD Van

  1. Will he be processed or released is the new question in places like NYC??

    The perp, the skel that he is, has no soul in his eyes, an emptiness of sorts.

  2. “reckless endangerment and criminal mischief”

    You see, this is the problem. It should be attempted murder x however many people the van holds. NYC needs another Rudy.

  3. …back in the day you couldn’t have done this with a pair of scissors because the REAR, fixed-axle brakes were hard-piped and only the front brakes had rubber lines. Nowadays, when they went to 4 wheel disks, they decided to go with rubber hoses to the rear as well, so it would be theoretically possible to completely disable the SERVICE brakes with a stout pair of scissors, but the EMERGENCY brakes, run to the rear ONLY by mechanical cables, would still be usable.

    Of course, if you cut the lines through the fluid will run out by gravity even with the van stationary, so a driver who isn’t an idiot will put his foot on the brakes BEFORE trying to move the vehicle and should INSTANTLY realize they are not working. Most modern cars require you to put your foot in it anyway to even shift from “P”, and since no one knows how to drive STICK any more, it’s a safe bet that these were auto. Also, it’s only semi-accurate to say “nothing” is able to stop you in the absence of service brakes. My generation started driving cars before dual master cylinders existed, so it was fairly easy for a single wheel cylinder mushout to drain all your hydraulics without warning, so we learned how to downshift to slow (which you can do even with automatic systems), use the mechanical brake (which we did for fun in RWD cars for cool “bootlegger” or “Dukes Of Hazzard” turns anyway), rub up against roadside things like park benches (or parked cars), and slam it into “P” in extremis (which modern cars won’t do), because it would wreck your transmission but might stop you from wrecking your CAR.

    Don’t know if the kids have this kind of enforced emergency response training nowadays, though. Maybe they’d just freeze up like the “Raising Arizona” guy and wreck into stuff anyway (at 1:00, 1:40 1:45 and 2:00)

    …but the charge SHOULD be multiple counts of attempted muder, not ONLY for the van driver, but for anyone ELSE in the van (it’s a VAN, probably has PASSENGERS) AND anyone the van could HIT. Car accidents RARELY involve just ONE vehicle, and in NYC, that’s probably a statistical impossibility.

    But it’s NYC, so they’re probably out cutting MORE brake lines as we speak. Who knows, President “Michelle” Obama may raise a statute to him as a fearless freedom fighter after “her” inaguration on Jan. 20th..

  4. @Rick – be nice there and show some respect or else, ha ha, check out the below @1:40.


    Maybe you should lurk more, to understand first, before saying @Uncle Al is ‘old’? How old are YOU? With such a post? What is ‘old’ to you? Do YOU have the wisdom and WIT that @Uncle Al has??

    You cannot just through some SHIT out there to make a statement, sorry dude.

    @Aaron Burr is correct – we are a dry bunch (@Uncle AL JUST mentioned that ^^^)…humor that is, AND that is where it’s at. Take it or leave it, BUT you need to understand it.

    This is like a Ralph and Norton kind of site.

    Don’t go anywhere, stay here, just show some respect that’s all.

  5. ^^^know what you mean…while my cholesterol is WAY up from my teens, my predilection for drunken knife fights is WAY down from my first 2 decades, and that’s BEFORE I started running around on flaming buildings for fun…

  6. “Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Rick! HAAARK!

    Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more – only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye – a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself – forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Rick, even any scantling of your soul is Rick no more, but is now itself the sea!”

  7. Oh stop, all of you. No one is old!! Old is a word. Means you know more than the BS that is going on today because you saw and experienced worse than the generation now could ever deal with. They all have mommy and daddy to run to.

    Anyway, can’t believe this guy could cut through brake lines and surprised he actually thought he won’t be caught. Then again, like I said, he is 25!!! Baby in todays standards.

    God Bless us all!

  8. @ Supernightshade

    I have used the curbs to stop me at stop signs as I drove home with a disabled fluid line.

    If dey can’t adjust on-the-fly, I say da yutes ain’t got no chops yet.

    Yes, I had a granny gear to slow me waaay down first, but still.

  9. @TimBuktu:
    “@Uncle Al, You’re almost as old as me, Al. You’ve been around too long and are too mellow to be an asshole. That’s for young people.”

    But…but…I’ve been practicing and practicing for over SIXTY YEARS and NOW you tell me I’m too old to be an asshole? *grumble*

  10. HTML test:


    Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country and kick Nancy Pelosi’s ass.

    Important symbols:

    🍺 ✔

  11. Hey, @Jimmy! It worked!

    Your timing is great! I just got an email from BFH two minutes ago, and he said:

    we were doing some stuff. should be back to normal now. let me know.

    Fingers crossed it’ll work for me, too!

    Edit: Hurrah!


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