Police: Chinese citizen repeatedly tried to get into Mar-a-Lago with documents claiming China backed assassination attempt – IOTW Report

Police: Chinese citizen repeatedly tried to get into Mar-a-Lago with documents claiming China backed assassination attempt

Palm Beach Post:
A Chinese citizen was arrested this week after police said he repeatedly tried to get into former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach while he claimed that he had documents that tie his home country’s government to the July 13 assassination attempt on the Republican nominee for president. more

8 Comments on Police: Chinese citizen repeatedly tried to get into Mar-a-Lago with documents claiming China backed assassination attempt

  1. If I were President Trump I’d want to see those documents. Missing from this “news” story is who, if anyone, has seen or even has asked to see what this guy claims is pretty hot stuff.

  2. You want a Twilight Tale?
    Just found something not noticed before.
    Happend to be reviewing videos from different subjects.
    2 were just talk, as usual.
    But when played back to back
    Another story was told.

    And check this….
    one of them is Fauci
    You’ll never guess the other.

    I’ll leave this open until I can’t stand it anymore and blurt it out.

    Or drop clues for the name of the other party.

    It’s an amazing coinkydink.

  3. Seeing as the FBI, CIA, NSA, White Hut, DOJ, most of Congress, the SS, and probably some of the Supremes, are in thrall (both financially and philosophically) to the the ChiComs, this is very likely.

    The chinks may be behind it (and funded it), but in the end it was our very own SS that tried to pull it off, proving themselves to be a traitorous terrorist organization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. That dude who prophesied about about PDT getting shot in the ear recently said he saw another attempt, this tome by a woman, dressed in a white gown, in what the guy said looked like some sort of resort.

    Mar-a-lago looks like a resort to me. And the article says that PDT stays away during the Summer. He’d better watch his guest list and beef up security for his homecoming soiree in the Fall. As the weather cools, and the fake bloom falls off Kamala’s rotten rose, they’re going to try again.

  5. Uncle Al, I agree. If the police were so thorough as to check his GPS and find Mar-a-lago’s address in it, you’d think they’d want to delve deeper. Maybe they have, or maybe the SS waved them off the trail. Maybe the SS is following up. I don’t know.

    But what I do know is that $3,000 is pretty low bail for the guy to still be sitting in jail. Maybe somebody bailed him out by now, and maybe somebody is tracking them. Maybe the docs have quietly come into the possession of the right people, who are studying them thoroughly.

    But I have a sinking feeling, based on recent events, that none of what should be happening has actually happened, and some new weirdo is scuttling across a figurative rooftop somewhere, unnoticed and unhindered.

  6. Thirdtwin – Reminds me of Nightmare At 20,000 Feet where the alien (democRAT party) is running across the wing chucking shit into the engine trying to bring the plane (USA) down while Shantner (Conservatives) can see what’s going on, the passengers (Liberals) can’t.


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