Police have recovered video of Florida GOP chair and alleged victim in rape investigation – IOTW Report

Police have recovered video of Florida GOP chair and alleged victim in rape investigation


Disclaimer: This story contains explicit sexual content and details involving an alleged sexual assault. 

Sarasota police have recovered a cell phone video taken by Florida GOP chairman Christian Ziegler of his sexual encounter with a woman who has alleged he raped her, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the criminal investigation. 

That video, in addition to security surveillance video from the apartment complex where the woman lives, provided police investigators with graphic evidence of the October 2 sexual encounter between the two, which Ziegler has told police was consensual. 

The apartment’s surveillance video, according to the sources, shows Ziegler knocking on the woman’s door and walking inside, which appears to contradict the woman’s claim to police that he walked into her apartment after she opened the door to walk her dog.

According to a police search warrant affidavit, Ziegler arrived alone at the apartment shortly after the woman backed out of a proposed tryst involving Ziegler and his wife, Bridget Ziegler, a Sarasota school board member and cofounder of Moms for Liberty.  “Sorry I was in mostly for her,” she messaged Ziegler (search warrant ).  MORE HERE

SNIP: The phone calls in detail.

25 Comments on Police have recovered video of Florida GOP chair and alleged victim in rape investigation

  1. Really, I’m sick of all this crap about a demonized republican.
    The issue stands that both parties are criminal crap so get over it.
    Demoncrats live up to their name DEMONcrats and republicans are about as worthless as cat poop in the litter box. Give me some good news about saving our republic..

  2. “Oh I forgot, then your’s truly goes to prison. Time’s up, your clock has run out. See more true Americans want justice served.”

    Interesting. Now I’m thinking these are Chicom BOTS. No American would make that mistake.

  3. Brad
    Yes, it all sounds fabricated to me.
    “No charges have been filed against Ziegler”
    “Democrats and gay rights leaders to accuse the couple of hypocrisy”
    I’m surprised they didn’t add white privilege and white supremacy as well.

  4. But Hunter’s pedophilia and constant hiring of hookers and such while he was married is Russian propaganda.
    It seems that so many people get in positions of responsibility and then become so enthralled with themselves and the offers of “goodies” they get involved in this kind of crap.
    You only get in trouble with the law if you’re not a connected Dem

  5. Ofgs, what in hell is wrong with people that they just can’t not do perverted crap. Not enough hobbies or other things to keep busy with?

    How many politicians (and judges) are under blackmail threat by the IC.

  6. “Christian Ziegler wrote in an email to state GOP officials that his family is “rock solid” and his wife is “behind me 150 percent” as the police investigation continues.”

    And he was 150 percent ‘behind’ the plaintiff.

  7. “Another great higher* by Desantis”
    *sic, citation needed
    Explanation: a moron wrote this

    MAN that is some rich shit!
    Talking about great HIRES!
    *Laughs in all the Trump hires that wrote books stabbing him in the back.
    Come talk to me the day DeSantis “hires” someone like Omarosa.
    Someone who made her fame by being a lying conniving cunt.
    Yet Trump still hired that poison!

    For fucks sake, TRUMP GAVE FAUCI A MEDAL!
    Should have fired him but NOOOOOO…

    Thing is, you can’t attack RDS’s unimpeachable record so you say crap like this.
    Never change Brad, never change!

  8. loco, fuck off. We are all sick of your shit, and place is much better without you. You have become a legendary cunt like Groucho. You are a liar, a dirtbag, and a fucking fool.

    Fuck off, eat shit, and die.

  9. loco, fuck off. We are all sick of your shit, and place is much better without you. You have become a legendary cunt like Grouchy. You are a liar, a dirtbag, and a fucking fool.

    Fuck off, eat shit, and die.

  10. “You only get in trouble with the law if you’re not a connected Dem”

    You can become an unconnected Dim pretty fast if you wander off the plantation. It isn’t like he doesn’t deserve it but see Sen Mendez for details. I think it was one of those 20th century dictators that said it’s handy to have everybody guilty of something.

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