Police impersonator pulls over Miami-Dade police detective – IOTW Report

Police impersonator pulls over Miami-Dade police detective


[…] Police said Pacheco-Bustamante, 46, of Miami, who was driving a Ford Crown Victoria, pulled up behind the detective’s vehicle and activated police sirens, causing the detective to change lanes.

Police said the suspect continued to follow the detective, so the detective pulled over to the shoulder of the road near Northwest 119th Street.

The detective, who was in full uniform, got out of his vehicle and realized that he was dealing with a police impersonator, the report said.

—- See the impersonator’s stupid face at the link.

8 Comments on Police impersonator pulls over Miami-Dade police detective

  1. Holy shit!
    That’s like selecting the individual gun and then loading it so you can stand in front of a firing squad.
    Damn, I don’t believe karma gets any sweeter than that.

  2. harbqll April 15, 2017 at 6:31 am

    Did you catch the reporters description of the BB gun as “resembling a service revolver”?

    No. No it doesn’t. Not at all.

    If he had only looked at his “State Run Media Guide to Firearms” he would have properly called it a fully automatic AK-Glock.

  3. I’m checking my MSM Firearms Guide right now. Under “police service revolvers” it describes poison nerve gas emitters and grenade launchers, which it says are required on all police firearms.
    The grenade launchers and poison gas are for use against “unarmed innocent black men turning their lives around”.
    It’s published by Snopes, so we know it’s true.


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