Police In Virginia Investigate Teens Spitting On Produce At Grocery Store – IOTW Report

Police In Virginia Investigate Teens Spitting On Produce At Grocery Store

Daily Caller: Police in Virginia are investigating an incident involving juveniles coughing and spitting on produce at a local grocery store while filming it. 

“Yesterday, March 18, 2020, an incident occurred at a local grocery store involving juveniles reportedly coughing on produce, while filming themselves and posting it on social media,” the Purcellville Police Department posted on their Facebook page. “The grocery store immediately removed the items in question, and has taken appropriate measures to ensure the health of store patrons.”

Lieutenant Barry Dufek of the Purcellville Police Department tells the Daily Caller that a shopper witnessed several juveniles spitting on produce and other items in a grocery store, so the shopper told grocery store staff who contacted the police. Dufek adds that the department has potentially identified a few of the individuals involved.  read more

20 Comments on Police In Virginia Investigate Teens Spitting On Produce At Grocery Store

  1. “juveniles reportedly coughing on produce, while filming themselves and posting it on social media,” Too bad there wasn’t a description of the perps so we could be on the lookout for them. I have my ideas but it’s not like me to jump to conclusions.

  2. 3 days without food should teach them a life long lesson than their teachers and parents obviously could not!

    And what is it with Virginia lately?

  3. A couple of months in a jail cell with Bubba or Tyrone should clear up this affliction. Let their new cellmate know these pukes made their mother sick, the rest should take care of itself.

  4. I said a quick prayer when I first read this today. I said, Lord, I don’t ask for much, so please let me see a youth doing this and I will smite them in your name. Nothing so far, I’ll keep you posted.

  5. I think a year at hard labor is appropriate.
    If they do it again a charge of domestic terrorism
    is a fitting result.
    After the first dozen or so are nailed and the punishment is advertised to the other wannabe assholes, it will
    stop pretty damn quickly.

  6. Let it be known that if this ‘Boomer” see’s one of you little millennial assholes doing this, well, let’s just say spitting will be very difficult with a broken, wired up jaw.


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