Police intervene after trans activists block protest in support of 80-year-old grandmother banned from Washington pool – IOTW Report

Police intervene after trans activists block protest in support of 80-year-old grandmother banned from Washington pool


On Monday evening, members of the public gathered outside the Port Townsend, Washington City Hall to voice their concerns in regards to the city’s response in the case of an 80-year-old grandmother who was banned from the local YMCA pool for expressing her discomfort with having a transgender woman in the changing room as she and children were using the facilities, and were met with trans rights activist protestors who tried to disrupt the event before being ushered away by officers.

The press conference, titled “Let Julie Swim,” was held across the street from city hall in Pope Marine Park, starting just before the city council was set to hear public comments regarding Mayor David J. Faber’s transgender proclamation. In response to the protest, the mayor doubled down on his support for trans access to women’s changing rooms over women’s rights to private spaces.

“What an incredible night,” he said. “The Port Townsend community showed up in huge and beautiful fashion to say that hate has no place here. Trans and cis-allies alike spoke love & support, and the only TERF speaker was from out of town. Tonight reminded me why Port Townsend is home.” more here

16 Comments on Police intervene after trans activists block protest in support of 80-year-old grandmother banned from Washington pool

  1. Just because someone “thinks” they are female does not give them the right to disturb biologically real females in private settings. We have made enough concessions for your jack wagon lives already.

  2. What will happen when the mayor’s young daughters or granddaughters have to be in a locker room with woMEN. I hope none of them get raped.

    Men aren’t supposed to weigh in on abortion but men calling themselves women can invade places where women get undressed.

  3. Eunuchs should have been left in the distant past. Because it’s easy to see now why civilized societies banned their existence. They’re capacity to be demonic freaks is too great a hazard to normal people.

  4. Junk removal crew.
    Just anther thing to keep people divided, united people will see through the bullshit.
    Each of their sub cults hate one thing enough to keep voting Dems as their “Saviors”

  5. Brad, and you know what’s really frustrating is that my wife and I had briefly considered Port Townsend as a possible retirement location. Climate wise it’s as good as can be on the Mainland. Winter temps are typical Puget Sound temps, but on hot summer days they rarely get above 80. I could put up with that. But we can’t put up with that shit.

  6. joe6pak

    What I’ve noticed is the inhospitable climates are the Red Ones. However not necessarily the smartest ones. Like my blonde cutey little neighbor likes to say, shit, if we could figure out where to move we would have already done it.

  7. Brad, ya know, Port Townsend is near ideal for the mainland. Rarely freezes in the winter, and rarely breaks 75 in the summer. My favorite location? Waimea, on the Big Island, perfect temps. Cool nights, warm, but not hot days. However, both locations liberal as hell. There’s no winning.

  8. joe6pak
    Yea, and we’re not getting any younger. I don’t think I’m ready to shovel snow. Then you go to the opposite end of the spectrum, heat. It was 107 here today and it kicked my ass. The older I get, the worse the heat effects me. I dunno.

    Maybe Maui.

  9. Been to all the islands, many times, Maui is my favorite. Everyone says it’s too tourista but the beaches, water and eaterys are world class. There’s a loop that you can drive all the way around the island and the back side is gorgeous.

    I used to parasail over what I called The Pinch, awesome drafting and views. If you look at the island you can see exactly where I mean.

    The weather is low 80s in the day and low 70s at night with a constant breeze. And you know what? I prefer the Ozarks in N central AR. Weird.

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