Police: Muslim Student ‘Fabricated’ Hijab-Grab by Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Police: Muslim Student ‘Fabricated’ Hijab-Grab by Trump Supporters


LAFAYETTE, Louisiana – After a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) claimed that her hijab and wallet were stolen by two President-Elect Donald Trump supporters, police announced the claim was fabricated.

The 18-year-old Middle Eastern student told police that white men shouting racial slurs at her drove up in a truck and struck her multiple times in the back, while also stealing her hijab and wallet.

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12 Comments on Police: Muslim Student ‘Fabricated’ Hijab-Grab by Trump Supporters

  1. Why isn’t this criminal’s name published? Do Moslems get preferential treatment? She should be charged just like any one else and sent for a mental health evaluation. In addition to filing a false police report she should be charged with hate crimes against white men.

  2. What’s with all this GRABBING? It’s disturbing. I saw a sign held by a women protester yesterday that read “My Pussy Grabs Back”. I have t slept since. That’s some scary shit. MJA, is that possible?

  3. Since I’m sure this Muslima prefers Sharia to dirty kafir law, why not cater to her cultural preferences for a punishment? You know, fifty lashes, and such. It’s the only proper the multicultural thing to do, no?

  4. Isn’t the historic punishment for lying to have their tongue removed. And the 21st century update, to deal with Twitter & Facebook, to have their fingers removed. For cultural sensitivity that would be the appropriate course of action.

  5. She made a false claim, and filed a false report. No need to arrest her, just immediately revoke her student visa and put her on the first plane back to the mideast with notice that she is no longer welcome within the borders of the United States.

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