Police Photos From Scene of Overdose Incident Involving Florida Dem Andrew Gillum Reveal Crystal Meth, Erectile Dysfunction Drugs – IOTW Report

Police Photos From Scene of Overdose Incident Involving Florida Dem Andrew Gillum Reveal Crystal Meth, Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

WFB: The Miami Beach Police Department released new photographs, video, and audio from the scene of a drug overdose incident involving failed Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, who was found unconscious along with two men in a drug-filled hotel room.

The photos reveal three bags of what police said was crystal methamphetamine, as well as numerous prescription drugs, including a vial of papaverine, phentolamine, and alprostadil, a mixture commonly injected into the penis by men suffering from erectile dysfunction, according to Memorial Sloane Kettering. more

Warning: A few gross pictures.

26 Comments on Police Photos From Scene of Overdose Incident Involving Florida Dem Andrew Gillum Reveal Crystal Meth, Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

  1. Conservative believe this to be shameful.


    The other side wears this shit as a badge of courage.

    The only thing that bothers the other side is bipartisanship, hard work and integrity.

    Trust me, Justine Turdeau was re-elected despite EVERYTHING.

  2. “Overdose incident”

    Would that not imply that there is some dosage of methamphetamine that falls within FDA guidelines? Obviously I am missing something.

  3. He’s a Dimm so the media won’t touch this story.

    I hope the hotel hired a professional cleaning company to come detox that room. Odds are they replaced all the carpet and beds and everything.


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