Police pull horse over for driving a drunk – IOTW Report

Police pull horse over for driving a drunk

“We’ve got a drunk Amish guy passed out in a buggy”: Horse-drawn buggy driver charged after hitting deputy’s cruiser.

15 Comments on Police pull horse over for driving a drunk

  1. I almost hit a police car with an airplane, and I wasn’t even drunk!

    …I had just bought a new RC plane and went to this little used spur road with my future wife to impress her with my mad pilot skillz. Problem was, I didn’t have any.

    This was a mostly Styrofoam contraption, but had metal for all the crucial bits, most especially the motor, and was kind of derfy in that it couldn’t “take off”, you had to fling it with your hand.

    Attending us was a bored City cop who was running traffic on the cross street, of which there wasn’t much at the time, so he had little to do but watch us. I came in my personal car with my all-red MX-7000 light bar on it so he knew what I was, and we briefly waved as cops and ffs did, and then I forgot about him as I busied about flight prep.

    So I fired up the motor, trimmed up my remote pots, had the almost fiancee fling my new and completely untested contraption heavenward, but also, unfortunately, cop-ward.

    Well, turned out that zero practice on a windy day with an enthusiastic but not aerodynamically well-thought-out girlfreind fling didn’t make for a stable departure angle, whoda thunk it?

    I wrestled with the controller for a bit, gaining altitude and speed but with crap directional control and multiple stalls, resulting in a fugoid sort of motion that brought my stricken aircraft ever closer to impact with a City vehicle. It just bored in like it thoght the hood was an aircraft carrier.

    Horrifed at my lack of control and still more at the prospect of explaining why I hit a police vehicle with a toy, the moreso because it would be quite expensive, a ron of paperwork, and the cop would see to it my company would never let me live it down, I drove that thing with what little control I had straight into the ground not 10 feet from the surprised peace officer’s recently threatened coop.

    I am eternally grateful that dash cams weren’t a “thing” then, but his inappropriate laughter as my erstwhile Most Favorite Thing as it disintegrated into ripped decals, flung control rods, still spinning motor, and oh the humanity of the chunks of Styrofoam everywhere let me know I had started an oral tradition at the very least…

    …so I managed to avoid having the local paper memoialize the Last Flight of the Dumbass when they read the police blotter, but it tiok a bit for the Unlucky Lindy nickname to subside…

  2. Smarter than a Circus Dog
    MAY 25, 2022 AT 3:57 PM

    Sorry for your loss. My foamies have had no incidents so far. KOW”

    …thanks, but it was a long time ago, when I was still young enough to know everything.

    After decades of proof like this to the contrary, I’m no longer sure that I do.

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