Police Release Fatal Shooting of a Woman Advancing With a Meat Cleaver – Idiocy Ensues – IOTW Report

Police Release Fatal Shooting of a Woman Advancing With a Meat Cleaver – Idiocy Ensues

The comments, are predictable, yet still hilarious.

“Why didn’t he shoot her in the leg?”

“Why not a warning shot?”

“He should have maintained his distance.”

Better idea. Shoot her in the shoelaces and make her trip.

A police officer shouting, “stop and put the weapon down,” IS the warning shot.

Maintaining his distance is called “running away.” Cops don’t run away. We don’t pay cops to run away.

Video and comments HERE

32 Comments on Police Release Fatal Shooting of a Woman Advancing With a Meat Cleaver – Idiocy Ensues

  1. Suicide by cop is the worst, I’ve been through that several times.
    Yelling at someone to drop the weapon and they don’t do it, you are just stunned.
    You have to shoot to kill that’s how you are taught.

  2. Several years ago, Cincinnati police shot (and I believe killed) a miscreant who had a brick in his hand and was threatening to throw it at a cop.
    Of course the inner-city community was upset about it. One of their criticisms which I particularly like (and I could see their point) “He had a brick. What was he gonna do? Reload?

  3. This is why cops should not have any non lethal weapons save a nightstick.
    The stun guns and bean bags give the populous unreasonable expectations.
    We regularly see innocents die because cops try to resist hurting or killing the perp.
    Also, just how is reducing the penalty for engaging in this kind of crap a deterrent?

  4. @BFH:

    Cops don’t run away. We don’t pay cops to run away.

    That’s because you regard cops as law enforcers instead of peace officers.

    I would gladly pay a peace officer to use his judgment about when to stand firm and when to retreat.

  5. Yea I don’t know. I want that cop to go home to his family at night. Cops don’t join the force to get killed. DoI think I could have taken the knife away from her with my bare hands. Yes no problem.
    The world is suddenly a complicated place. I miss the 80’s

  6. From the article:

    “Vo, who was born in Vietnam and did not speak English, was having an argument with her mother and was shouting in Vietnamese when cops arrived.

    The disturbing video was released at the request of the Vo family, who maintain police acted improperly and did not need to fatally shoot Vo, who suffered from bipolar disorder.

    A witness who called 911 can be heard saying that Vo was chasing her mother around the grounds of Aberdeen Townhomes with a knife. ”

    This is yet another in an extremely long line of examples of the problems with letting people that have no desire to assimilate into our culture / society and no business being here at all (we have enough of our own citizens with mental issues without importing more). And I strongly suspect that taxpayers are paying the full freight for this family to boot. If she had been where she belonged (in Vietnam), the cop wouldn’t have been there to shoot her in the first place.

    While my opinion may sound heartless, it is a realistic reflection of the folly of letting anybody and everybody that can find a way across the border into the country and letting them steal from the taxpaying citizens of America, and then complaining when they threaten others about how they are stopped. The invasion of foreigners must be stopped posthaste..

  7. @ One Last Time.. The sideways grip is something he picked up while working in “Brown-Town.. A.K.A Black Lives Murder..”.. they hold their guns that way because that’s how it came outta the box..

  8. Eternal.
    I was just saying that if you demand cops fire warning shots, telling them to put the weapon down is the warning shot.
    But nobody is asking that cops be required to fire warning shots.
    That’s ridiculous.

    Personally, I can go to any country and if a guy in uniform shouts at me, in whatever language, and is pointing a weapon, I can pretty much figure out that they aren’t happy with me advancing with my meat cleaver.

    I can guess what’s coming next.

  9. You guys don’t shoot do you? He flipped that weapon sideways to see if he was empty. He wasn’t shooting at her sideways was he? My opinion bad shoot but don’t make shit up.

  10. The officer was cleared of any wrongdoing. But he left the police department. Shootings take a big chunk out of a decent man’s life.
    Despite what BLM scum and their followers will have us believe.

  11. @BFH:

    Shooting her was preserving the peace, Al.

    The objective is to return to a peaceful situation as directly as possible without increasing the risk to the other people present. Shooting her may have been the correct action, but calling it “preserving the peace” is an Orwellian perversion of the English language: there was no peace to preserve.

    No, I do not expect the police to run away from people wielding weapons in the streets.

    I expect peace officers to do what is needed and within their capabilities to protect people and property. If that means shooting somebody running amok with a dangerous weapon, so be it. I do expect that there will be conditions where what the officer needs to do is retreat so long as he does not increase the risk to the other people present, to repeat what should be obvious.

  12. TV shows and Movies give the moron generation their education in police procedure and crime scene investigations. If a cop pulls out their weapon then a line has been crossed and your life depends on obeying immediately and without question their orders. If the cop is a ditz that’s what lawyers are for after the fact.

  13. @Brad
    I know a lot of Keltech guns have issues, but I have a PMR 30 that if you load the magazine correctly it never hangs up.
    Not trying to tell you anything being that you’re way more knowledgeable than I am, it’s just my experience. I enjoy your comments.

  14. What next? A requirement that the cops issue warnings in 26 different languages?
    I agree with those above who correctly point out regardless of your language, when a cop points his pistol at you, it’s a safe bet that you’re doing something they want you to stop doing.

  15. @Al – someone else’s shoes – wear them for a while. You have no idea who was standing behind the officer. Body worn cameras are useful but to make a judgement like yours based on a single, narrow view video is ridiculous (I’m on a task force looking to supply these to every cop in the county.) That’s why there are grand juries who actually investigate all police involved shootings – they actually talk to witnesses, isn’t that amazing?

  16. While I’ll give the officer the benefit of the doubt, I will say that this incident was less clear cut than any of the shootings the BLM movement has tried to exploit. If this had been a black teenage thug, the whole country would have been up in arms by now

  17. I’m a bit late, @Sig94, but you seem to be reacting to something other than what I wrote. I was talking in general and in response to BFH’s general assertions. More than once I wrote that depending on circumstances, blowing away the threatening person is the right thing to do. My judgment was clearly not based on the video at all, but on a few provocative comments from BFH. Alas, you probably won’t see this so late in this thread’s life.

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