Police sergeant files federal lawsuit for department demoting him after being activated by National Guard – IOTW Report

Police sergeant files federal lawsuit for department demoting him after being activated by National Guard

ASHEVILLE, NC — A police sergeant has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that his department discriminated against him and demoted him after he was involuntarily activated by the North Carolina National Guard.

The Asheville Police Department (APD) also allegedly tried to declare Sgt. Brett Foust unfit for duty, so now he is suing.

The formal complaint suggested that new leadership changes at the police department resulted in Foust being targeted.

The Charlotte Observer reported that the North Carolina National Guard activated Sgt. Foust with the APD several times in 2020 and 2021, his lawyer said in federal court documents.

When he returned to the police force, Foust was reportedly denied training opportunities and nearly declared unfit for duty unless he passed multiple fitness exams, according to the same report. read more

8 Comments on Police sergeant files federal lawsuit for department demoting him after being activated by National Guard

  1. If I just went with the story, I would go with Sgt. Foust’s story. Based on the story told, I would have to agree with him, and could even guess a couple of reasons why the new captain is in the wrong.
    However, since this story is based on lawyers and a journalist, I will have an open mind and base my thoughts on the facts and evidence.
    Dang it, I guess that means I couldn’t be a scientist as I posit a hypothesis, use facts to build a theory and then test that against all facts, including new ones. Dang, I guess some of the engineering classes I took a few decades ago have stuck with me.


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