Police Union Cancels Discount Ticket Program After Miami Dolphin Anthem Protests – IOTW Report

Police Union Cancels Discount Ticket Program After Miami Dolphin Anthem Protests


“The Broward County PBA recently offered our members discounts to a Miami Dolphins game because that franchise said they were going to honor all First Responders,” read the organization’s Facebook statement, released on Friday. “We entered into this partnership with the understanding that the Dolphins organization would require their players to stand for the National Anthem. This did not happen at last night’s preseason game against Tampa Bay.”

As a result, the BCPBA will no longer participate in this ticket program, and we are asking all of our members, as well as members of the Dade County PBA and Palm Beach County PBA, not to participate either. If you have already purchased tickets to this game, we encourage you to call the Dolphins ticket office to request a refund because this organization obviously DOES NOT honor First Responders and the dangers they put themselves in every day.


13 Comments on Police Union Cancels Discount Ticket Program After Miami Dolphin Anthem Protests

  1. Excuse me! Why are there any people still attending or watching these asshats any longer.

    How about we get a list of all of them (NFL Players) supplied to the first responders where they live to assist in their TIMELY RESPONSE should they ever need the assistance from those they disrespect.

  2. Stronger Together.. Socialism.. Collectivism.. Unions.. etc.

    All for that Group Think.

    Yet we can’t so much as get over paid socialist wannabes to stand for the National Anthem. Maybe we need full-on socialism to force the fuckers to stand and re-distribute 99.9% of their income. If they got what they want, the NFL would go belly up in less time than it takes to play a game.

  3. I heard (didn’t see) they were still kneeling. Glad I still don’t have a desire to watch NFL anymore. It’s good they aren’t hypocritically standing and pretending to honor the flag when you know that’s the last thing they do.

  4. I watched pro football religiously for 40+ years. That ended two years ago and I don’t miss it.

    I can watch college if I need to.

    There is no exit strategy from these protests. I am supposed to believe that the league who fines people thousands upon thousands of dollars for wearing a non-approved message on their shoes are okay to disrespect the country during the anthem and they are helpless to do anything about it. Bullshit.

    Is anyone unaware that there is a problem with excessive trigger happiness in policing? Allowing it to be co-opted by millionaire race hucksters won’t solve it. Only the truth will do that. More white people are killed by police than blacks. No one cares. 625 people killed by police this year so far:


    So far this year, 242 whites to 114 blacks. More than double the number of blacks. Allowing lies like “blacks are being hunted in the streets” is blood libel.

    Allowing illiterate, temporarily millionaire thugs to be the face of correcting police training that puts an innocent citizens lives in jeopardy is a recipe for this problem never being fixed or taken seriously.

  5. This needs to be the new anthem, at least for the time being…… Do it Trump!!!


    If tomorrow all the things were gone
    I worked for all my life
    And I had to start again
    With just my children and my wife
    I thank my lucky stars
    To be living here today
    ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom
    And they can’t take that away
    And I’m proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I’m free
    And I won’t forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I’d gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.
    From the lakes of Minnesota
    To the hills of Tennessee
    Across the plains of Texas
    From sea to shining sea
    From Detroit down to Houston
    And New York to L.A.
    Where’s pride in every American heart
    And it’s time we stand and say
    That I’m proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I’m free
    And I won’t forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I’d gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.
    And I’m proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I’m free
    And I won’t forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I’d gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.
    Songwriters: Lee Greenwood

  6. First responders are the citizens on scene, not the overpaid government employees who show up to write a report. Is there a cop alive who isn’t a special snowflake who needs a case of Massengill?

  7. I’m still amazed at the amount of attendance at the stadiums despite this crap. People don’t care that these mouth breathing imbeciles continue to disrespect the National Anthem?

  8. @Clichguevera. So what. Over 300 million people in this nation, major drug plague, shunning and actively supressing the Christian faith and morality… why are you surprised aholes are killing each other and the police are shooting some of the bastards? Find something real to complain about.

  9. Because it’s not just assholes killing each other who are getting shot by the police.

    Major drug plague? We have a country of over 300 million people or so I’m told. 50k people overdosed last year so that puts “The Plague” at roughly 0.016% of the population. A lot of people’s paychecks depend on and all of that 300 million’s civil rights have been completely eroded because the “plague” is being made out to be bigger than it is. 0.01%.

    But right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of a statistic. So I’m siding with the concept that no innocent person should have to worry about being killed by their public servant in my wishcasting imaginary town where the only thing that matters is that I go home alive tonight too.

  10. So Cliche, you think a significant percent of police shootings are wrongful? What percent? If it were 100%, that’s about 1% of your number for drug overdoses. I’m just saying there are FAR larger issues than bad cop shootings. If you live in Chicago, Detroit, or some other crime hole, I do wish you the best of luck not getting shot by a cop, though you really are much more likely to get shot or stabbed by an addict, and they will just proliferate the more you restrict, inhibit, discourage and underpay the police.

    Sorry to go so far off topic with you, but the “renegade cop” thing is foolish.

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