Polish MEP Braun tells Blinken to get lost – IOTW Report

Polish MEP Braun tells Blinken to get lost

“Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don’t want you here. We don’t want Polish people paying and dying for your wars.”

22 Comments on Polish MEP Braun tells Blinken to get lost

  1. @Beachmom
    We visited Poland in 2021. It was amazing!
    We were there at the end of Aug through the middle of Sept.
    We were in Gdańsk on Sept 1, which was the 82nd anniversary of the damned Nazis invading. Every memorial, monument, gathering place was beribboned in the red and white of the Polish flags.
    Buildings have plaques commemorating the people killed at the site by the damned Nazis. It was not only in Gdańsk, but it was throughout Poland. How refreshing to our tired American eyes that their monuments and statues were celebrated instead of being torn down.
    The people we met were welcoming and pleasant. Polish is a scary-looking language, but most people in the cities speak English.
    It was a trip that changed my life. I would love to make a return visit or two!!

  2. My sister and I visited Budapest at the end of a Danube river cruise in 2016 – it is a beautiful city and the Hungarians also have the right idea of Hungary for Hungarians.

  3. God bless, Poland. They have been stalwart vanguards fighting tyranny and Communism throughout thier history.
    By the way, they’ve never forgotten or denigrated their history and have national pride. Keys to preserving sovereignty.
    Kudos, to Poland’s MEP for telling that wimp, Mz. Blinken to hit the bricks. Poland’s leadership know a communist, shadow government operative when they see one.

  4. Could this brave Polish MP be going against the tide? Poland has appeared to be on the side of Ukraine, if I am not mistaken, seemingly eager to help it.

    The Poles seem to be wary of both Russia and Germany, and given their history, it is understandable. Poland was caught between two murderous regimes in 1939.

    The strange history of that part of the world in the 1930’s is that both Poland and Austria, gobbled up by Germany, are considered to have been somewhat fascist dictators themselves.

    Poland grabbed a hunk of Czechoslovakia (Silesia?) when Germany invaded that unhappy country in 1938 or 1939. Austria, for its part was trying to slice off a hunk of Italy and make it Austrian territory. I believe Hitler had to calm down the Austrians in order to keep Italy as an ally.

    To me, this struggle over land has always been the root cause of wars. It is the reason for the current Uke-Russia war.

  5. One Pollock joke only as told to me by one of my friends dad when I was a kid back in the 60’s. Did you hear about the Pollock who thought that asphalt meant that he had rectum trouble. Smiling Larry or as we called him Smiley was always telling us jokes of all kinds when we were kids. And he called me Muskie because I swam like a muskrat and that nickname stuck with me as well for a lot of years when I was growing up.

  6. @Agatha

    Here is something you may want to check out. I think it’s the Polish National Orchestra (not sure if the title is correct) doing “Barber’s Adagio” considered the saddest piece of music ever created. It was in the musical score of Platoon (Vietnam War Movie) right at the end.

    The Polish Nat’l Orchestra does a fantastic job….so many of its violinists are young blond Polish females.

    When listening to it, it’s difficult not to shed a few tears.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOsWUA7cK50

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