Polish President Lays Down The Law on European Union’s Asinine Policies – IOTW Report

Polish President Lays Down The Law on European Union’s Asinine Policies

Constitution.com: We were reminded once again yesterday that Europe is still deep within the throes of a radical Islamic terror tirade that could last for decades.

The bucket bomb that detonated on the London subway at rush hour yesterday claimed 22 more victims of radical Islam in Europe.  Thankfully, the device underperformed in its dastardly task, and these 22 are expected to survive.

Such is the state of Europe in 2017.  Radical Islamic terror has been at an all time high, with 5 attacks already having occurred in England alone in 2017.  France, Germany, Finland, and handful of other nations have also been forced to deal with ISIS and their cronies in recent months, with a great many of these incident resulting in far more tragic endings than yesterdays’ botched bucket bomb.

The world at large has a fairly succinct idea of what exactly has caused this spurt of terror to grip Europe in 2017, but the globalists and leftists of the world are doing everything in their power to deny the truth, including enlisting the mainstream media on several continents to help promote their denial agenda.

The President of Poland, however, is not one of those delusional dimwits.

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9 Comments on Polish President Lays Down The Law on European Union’s Asinine Policies

  1. “…Poland was open to accepting migrants from struggling European countries such as Belarus and Ukraine — issuing 1,267,000 visas to the latter in 2016 — but would not accept migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.”
    It is so refreshing to see a Leader who the vision to see accurately what is happening. I applaud Poland!
    They have seen hard times before, and have survived.
    And they gave us CHOPIN! If they still have the spirit Chopin instilled in them, they will prevail.
    Horowitz plays Chopin Polonaise Op. 53 in A flat Major:

  2. Poland has remained Terrorism free , and it’s not a Coincedence !
    Why the hell should Poland have to house Violent Pigs who wnat to break the door down and blow them up ? Why should we feel sorry , they breed to kill people like us !!!

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