Political Forecast: Stormy Weather Ahead – IOTW Report

Political Forecast: Stormy Weather Ahead

American Thinker:

Like the Cargo Cult in the Pacific, which builds model planes in the hope that, they will bring in cargo planes full of spam and other goodies as they did in WWII, the Democrats keep hoping for airships full of votes that will never come in. All who can read discard the Russian collusion claims. What remains of them is the long-delayed Horowitz report and anticipated prosecutions for the coup plotters. For those still wanting to be deluded there’s CNN, which has hired a major plotter, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as a contributor to continue the Let’s Pretend narrative. 

Another of the putative Democratic presidential nominees has dropped out of the race. Trollmaster Donald J Trump tweeted:


The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!

I don’t know that Moulton’s chances were any worse than the other candidates in the long run. An online poster whose identity is unknown to me summed up the party’s unappealing agenda rather neatly, I think:

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs. (Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)

6. Stan Billings, an avid deer hunter, will have his semi-automatic rifle (fires one shot each time you pull the trigger) taken away, or go to jail, because it looks like an AR 15. (The entire slate)

7. Sven Johannson, whose grandfather immigrated to the US in 1953 will have to pay reparations to Sha’lyndia Jefferson because she THINKS her great-great-great grandfather MIGHT HAVE BEEN a slave. (Cory Booker)

8. Thomas Finch, who is an ambitious and motivated adult, cannot get a job because he doesn’t want to join a labor union. (Kamala Harris)

9. Sammy Thomas, a farmer, will no longer be able to haul his crops to market in his 3/4 ton diesel pick-up, but will have to make 43 trips in his Toyota Prius. (The whole slate)

10. The population of the US will become 76.4% Hispanic because all of the existing border wall will be torn down. (Beto O’Rourke)

11. NONE OF THIS WILL MATTER BECAUSE THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN TWELVE YEARS. (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & most of the candidates)

Telegraphing the hard slog ahead, Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins others in her party suggesting threats of violence are called for: more here

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

6 Comments on Political Forecast: Stormy Weather Ahead

  1. When I first read the headline, the voices said “Political Forecast: Stormy Daniels ahead”. I apologize for the freudian slip, though knowing many on the left, they might be willing to add her as a twelfth plank.

    The original poster is spot on and consolidated the high points very well

  2. There isn’t a single moderate running that has a chance of getting the nomination in Lee Harvey Oswald’s Demographic-Socialist-Communist Party. Trump Derangement Syndrome and Leftist Lunacy have caused these grifters to lose sight of the need to pretend to be fiscally conservative in order to get the nomination. Just think how different this situation would look if there was no Electoral College to hold back these Fundamental Transformers.

  3. 435 days 435 days.

    Until the next presidential election.

    Keep your powder dry and watch from afar for at least 300 days. Let the democrats enjoy their cannibal banquet.

    Make plans and figure out when to launch on them.
    You can’t maintain a battle ready stance this far out.
    Relax. Observe. Plan.

  4. If I were a rich man I would be tempted
    to find the remaining “Cargo Cult” spots
    and once a year (unannounced) around Christmas
    send in a pair Gooney Birds to each, loaded with
    Spam and other goodies; film the parties and
    put it on the the internet.
    “And a good time would be had by all.”


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