‘Political-media-industrial complex’: Marianne Williamson accuses Democrats and ‘corporate media’ of partnership – IOTW Report

‘Political-media-industrial complex’: Marianne Williamson accuses Democrats and ‘corporate media’ of partnership

WaExaminer: A former presidential candidate known for her eccentricities on the campaign trail accused the Democratic Party of allying with “the corporate media” to direct news cycles and voting trends.

On Wednesday, New York Times bestselling author and 2020 Democratic dropout Marianne Williamson tweeted that party officials and the press have created a “political-media-industrial complex” that fights against the true will of voters.

“Corporatization of the Dem party isn’t just a function of party operatives; it’s just as much a function of the corporate media that partners with them,” Williamson wrote. “A political-media-industrial complex. But we shouldn’t just abandon the party; I think we should hang around to be inconvenient.” more

SNIP: Could someone please pass the essential sparkle shine butter oil and the fair trade Himalayan unicorn salt for my popcorn?

16 Comments on ‘Political-media-industrial complex’: Marianne Williamson accuses Democrats and ‘corporate media’ of partnership

  1. It’s as if she just realized that Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy aren’t real. All at once.


    These democrats have the brain power of special needs 8 year olds.

    All democrats are like that. Not all of them run for office.
    Some just troll the comments as anonymous on this blog.

  2. It is not a, “political-media-industrial complex” rather it is a “Democrat-media-industrial complex” FIFY.

    Better, it is the “Water Carrying Whores for Leftists Fake News Media and the Baby Murdering by Abortion Democrat Axis of Evil”

  3. Well I’ve been calling them the Democrat Media Mafia for years.
    I call them the Mafia because if you cross them they figuratively break your legs, hurting you and your family.
    Like the Mafia.
    Some day this will catch on!

  4. But she doesn’t want to “abandon the party” but “stick around and be inconvenient”?! Marianne, sweetie, they don’t even notice you exist and if they did, you are nothing to them.


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