Political Water Scams Back on the California Ballot – IOTW Report

Political Water Scams Back on the California Ballot

CPR: My 2016 article, Why Can’t California Farmers Get the Water They Need?, exposed Gov. Brown’s shadow government appointees at the State Water Resources Control Board that ordered the release of massive amounts of water from the New Melones Reservoir and Lake Tulloch, to save a dozen fish, and how Gov. Brown systematically booted a number of qualified people off of the California Water Commission, the body that is deciding how to spend $2.7 billion in public funds for Prop. 1 Water Bond water storage projects.

Also revealed was Gerald Meral – a shadowy figure continuously involved in a series of dubious parks, natural resource and water bond ballot initiatives. Meral is also the highly controversial Natural Resources deputy secretary who famously claimed, “BDCP [Bay Delta Conservation Plan ] is not about, and has never been about saving the Delta. The Delta cannot be saved,” as, in April 2013, he directed the BCDP for Gov. Jerry Brown’s effort to build the peripheral Delta tunnels.

Immediately following Meral’s statement, five Congressional members called for Meral’s immediate resignation. They warned “that the Administration’s plan, if unchanged, will devastate the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and the communities that rely on it, a concern that Northern California Lawmakers and other stakeholders have voiced throughout the process.”  read more 

SNIP: The plan is back and worse than ever.

2 Comments on Political Water Scams Back on the California Ballot

  1. ” The Delta cannot be saved,”

    I fish the Delta a LOT. For a long time now. The Delta has not changed one bit. The guys an ass. Also Jerry Brown is pushing a Delta Tunnel Project at the tune of 15 Billion dollars to circumvent water under the Delta before it actually reached the Delta. That would kill the Delta and and damn 2 inch long fish, along with the rest of the fish, in the Delta.

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