“Politico Exposé” on Stephen Miller: Third Grade Classmate Says ‘He Was Obsessed with Tape and Glue’ – IOTW Report

“Politico Exposé” on Stephen Miller: Third Grade Classmate Says ‘He Was Obsessed with Tape and Glue’

Breitbart: White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s third grade classmate penned an op-ed for Politico, writing how President Trump’s loyal staffer “was obsessed with tape and glue.”

In the Politico op-ed, John Muller, who sat next to Miller in the third grade, described in detail how the senior adviser once played with glue and preferred other classmates not touch his belongings.  more here

25 Comments on “Politico Exposé” on Stephen Miller: Third Grade Classmate Says ‘He Was Obsessed with Tape and Glue’

  1. What a chilling insight into him. Now things begin to unfold. This sounds like grounds for a massive protest, at least it makes about as much sense as the other reasoning.
    Miller replied that John Muller was the kid that other students shied away from because he wouldn’t stop eating his boogers.

  2. wasn’t hussein soetoro in a madrassa in Indonesia during his 3rd grade?

    Tape and glue shows signs of being constructive, holding things together and unity.
    Bet the writer had to be shown how tape even works.

  3. Yeah Muller used to peehepants all the time and Miller wanted nothing to do with him. Muller once shithepants just before lunch and made the whole class vomit. He continually pickhenose. This will be hard to verify as the rest of that third grade have gone on about their business and have forgotten most of what happened in third grade.

  4. Is the media gonna be this banally anal like this for all eight years of President Trump’s reign?
    A: Yes. The Democrat Media Mafia has their singular goal of destroying middle class America, and they see President Trump helping us more than any previous president. They will attack anyone associated with Mr. Trump, no matter how silly those attacks are.

  5. Today Muller is writing ridiculous exposes about his obsession with third grade. And Stephan Miller is writing the POTUS’s SOTU and policy speeches.

    (Mic drop)

  6. I seem to remember that I played with glue when I was a child. At that time and even now I prefer others not touch my belongings.

    Why is this article in the news? I see it as a lack of journalism from the writer, to the proof reader, to the editor, and to the institution that published it.

  7. The guy couldn’t just mention this to a poolitico writer just as a funny memory, he had to write an entire column about it himself. It’s pathetic.
    I don’t care who his classmates were, why is he still thinking about the 3rd grade?!

  8. You know what you know
    You asked for popcorn, let’s start here
    The level of corruption exposed
    James 5:5
    You (deep state) have lived in luxury and pleasure here on earth. You have fattened yourselves for the day of [symbolic] slaughter [prison]

    You know how to win bigly
    Keep your eye on the ball
    There are no coincidences
    Third graders are children
    8 ball in the side pocket

  9. ICYMI —

    Here’s a much younger Stephen Miller introducing David Horowitz at Duke University. Miller was then the president of the Duke chapter of Students for Academic Freedom (skip to the 6:07 mark):


    While Muller, on the other hand, was probably wishing his college had the same cafeteria ladies that he knew in third grade.

  10. Johnny is a good guy, he is an Eagle Scout in my troop and won a scout award for saving a kayaker’s life when he was a teen. I read the article yesterday when he posted it on Facebook. I didn’t see much to comment on so didn’t, it is a memory from when they were 8 and a fairly singular memory at that.

  11. “Johnny” might have once saved a kayaker’s life, but who wouldn’t if given the opportunity?
    That in itself doesn’t make him a “good person”.
    “Good guys” don’t write hit piece articles about what somebody did in third grade because they don’t like the person they work for now.
    Eagle Scout Johnny sounds like a major creep.
    I was in Scouts and maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of them weren’t worth a bucket of warm piss.


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