Politico leaks draft indicating SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade – IOTW Report

Politico leaks draft indicating SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade

CFP: A leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision reveals the majority of the court has decided to overturn Roe v. Wade by a vote of 5-4, according to Politico, which calls it a “full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right.”

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” wrote Justice Samuel Alito in the draft which was circulated inside the court before someone leaked it to the news outlet. “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to a draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.

Deliberations on controversial cases have in the past been fluid. Justices can and sometimes do change their votes as draft opinions circulate and major decisions can be subject to multiple drafts and vote-trading, sometimes until just days before a decision is unveiled. The court’s holding will not be final until it is published, likely in the next two months. more

44 Comments on Politico leaks draft indicating SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade

  1. NY TIMES Obituary:
    “The term “Birthing People” had a good run but it passed away tonight, May 2, 2022.”

    You will not hear a single MSM douchebag recite that phrase, instead the definition of “women” will no longer require a biology degree…

  2. let’s not get our panty hose all twisted up just yet.
    like I said on another thread, this is a DRAFT. it doesn’t mean it was submitted & voted on.
    probably just a Politiho ‘leak’ to get the base all riled up to start protesting in front of the SCOTUS building tomorrow to try to persuade the court to vote their way. that goob Hannity fell for it.

    as much as I’d wish it were true, I’d advise everyone to keep your powder dry until the decision is actually reached & posted.
    either way, heads are gonna explode. buckle up your chin straps … it’s gonna get messy

  3. Conservatives and those who love life will rejoice, Roe was a damned lie from the get go by Harry Blackmun who wrote the majority decision on Roe. Libtards are going to shit kittens and it won’t be pretty having to listen to all their wailing and caterwauling that they’ve lost their sacred sacrament of death to all unborn children. I was 19 when Roe was unconstitutionally written as liberal gospel into the law of the land and it’s about friggin time for Roe to be overturned and buried on the ash heap of liberal tears. But we’ll still have to wait another 2 months until the end of June to see if this is really true or not. I’m sorry that it took almost 50 years for this self evident truth to finally be revealed that Roe was nothing but a demonically manufactured lie used by the left to allow them to sacrifice unborn children to Baal and to Moloch unrestricted by becoming an unconstitutional law that should’ve never seen the light of day in the first place. I hate the left and their demonic minions.

  4. The leak was to justify packing the court, immediately. Barring that, they will impeach Justice Thomas, immediately, and pack the court after they win the sham mid-terms. Burning the Supreme Court building down will be seen as a constructive act to make room for a new building that can house 21 justices.

  5. I would love for this to be true as then at least we can all choose to live in a state where abortion is outlawed.
    It still wouldn’t stop blue states from murdering babies, but it would save many innocent babies.

  6. On MSNBC, Stephanie Ruhle just said on her show “if you have an appointment for an abortion tomorrow, it still stands. Nothing has changed that…yet.”

    Filthy cunt felt that was SO IMPORTANT to note, couldn’t have a baby saved by accident now could we?

    These motherfuckers are EVIL!

  7. Even if this comes to pass, praying for an end to abortion will continue, especially in “abortion-sanctuary” states like mine (California). Blue state bastions of hell will become worse, the slaughter of the innocents will increase.

  8. “…sometimes do change their votes as draft opinions circulate and major decisions can be subject to multiple drafts and vote-trading…”
    ‘vote trading’
    how nice
    do they involve money too?

  9. Not one government institution maintains any tradition or respect. It’s outrageous something like this would be leaked.

    The Lefties have seen the polls. What better way to activate their brain dead voters! Get everyone to fight amongst their friends and family on social media and in the streets again.

    No more talk of Covid, inflation, gas prices, stock market crash, Biden’s dementia and the looming food shortage. Great.


  10. Dershowitz thinks one of the liberal law clerks leaked it in hopes of pressuring some Justices to change their minds.
    If that’s true it was probably a suggestion of the Justice they work for.

  11. WHat do demonrats do when they face the voters wrath from their disastrous policies??
    And the Fake NEWS obliges them by doing their dirty work.

    There is no integrity left in any of our government, or press, or military.

  12. This is supposedly the first and only time a draft has been leaked!

    How very convenient!

    True or not, the much-needed distraction (sh+t show) has started.
    Buckle be up!

  13. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ May 2, 2022 at 11:17 pm

    > I’d advise everyone to keep your powder dry

    Until the Cheka spill your blood over it, an heroes.

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