Politico, Megyn Kelly Rush Out Fabricated Narrative to Attack Breitbart News – IOTW Report

Politico, Megyn Kelly Rush Out Fabricated Narrative to Attack Breitbart News

Breitbart: Politico’s Hadas Gold and the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly severely misrepresented a series of events during the Republican primaries in an attempt to attack the Breitbart News Network, Breitbart News can reveal.

In a headline out on Monday evening, Gold presented Breitbart News’s cutting edge journalism as somehow “coordination” of activities with a source.

“Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist and organizer who disrupted GOP primary campaign events,” the headline read.

The article contained a description of how Aaron Black—a progressive organizer who dressed up as Robot Rubio during the GOP primaries—did interviews with Breitbart News about his activities. It is not a surprise or news now that he did this at the time. Breitbart News featured these interviews live on the website and on this network’s SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 radio program at the time. Gold wrote:

A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio. Aaron Black, an associate with Democracy Partners and a former Occupy Wall Street organizer, worked with the pro-Trump site Breitbart, tipping it off about his stunts, exchanging raw video and coordinating coverage, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

The idea that Black “coordinated” Breitbart News coverage is a blatant misrepresentation of what happened. Black did on occasion—as he and any other effective organizer in politics does with everyone in media—tell Breitbart News about planned events he had coming up and different newsworthy actions he planned to take. Sometimes, when editors and reporters here deemed them newsworthy, Breitbart News would cover them. Other times not. For the reporters and editors at Politico who don’t understand, that is what is called journalism.

If anything, Black is a solid source with actionable intelligence on newsworthy events about many different goings-on in the political arena—and we’re proud he has trusted us enough to work with us on a number of stories, including his work as Robot Rubio exposing the globalist Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rubio, of course, would go on after this to lose the Republican presidential primaries badly to current GOP nominee Donald J. Trump as voters rejected his vision for the country by the millions.

But that’s beside the point of this story, in which specifically Politico accuses Breitbart News—and Black—inaccurately of “coordination.” At no time did Breitbart News reporters or editors, including myself, tell or suggest to Black what to do—he was going to do what he was going to do—we just covered the news. And we did so ahead of the rest of the media in many cases on what turned out to be some of the more newsworthy stories of the Republican presidential primaries and beyond.

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11 Comments on Politico, Megyn Kelly Rush Out Fabricated Narrative to Attack Breitbart News

  1. Megyn Kelly is getting desperate. Her ratings were lower than that guy, Rachel Maddow last week.

    We haven’t watched Fox for ages. Fox Business once in a while.
    They are actually more fair and balanced despite Neil Cavuto.
    Kelly and O’Reilly are so full of themselves it’s painful to watch.

  2. Did Rubio Robot keep his plans secret from all other news channels? Probably not.
    Besides, a private citizen’s interaction with a media company is a LOT different than a media company’s secret coordination with a candidate – isn’t it?
    This wasn’t covert underhanded scheming like Brazile and 64 other journOlists did with the Clinton campaign.

  3. In a related story, high profile reporters and assignment editors vigorously deny they ‘rip and read’ PR faxes with positive news stories about Hillary Clinton and most Democrat politicians in general.
    They use email now.

  4. She’s a twit. I knew from the day she ragged on Joe The Plumber’s website ( a few years ago )because he had a story there which she thought was his, and called him names over something she thought wasn’t true. If Megyn had read the ENTIRE story, she’d have seen it was an article he LINKED from someone else. He called her a lousy journalist and he was right. She never apologized for what she did, either. Since then I’ve seen her as nothing but a hostess for short attention span news watchers. Make her broadcast wearing a coat and sweat pants and we’ll see how many viewers she keeps.

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